LJ Survey!

Mar 02, 2015 01:43

How to lure a hobbit into posting... :)

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
"Looking awake and alive, good start!"

2. How much cash do you have on you?
Er, about £9 I think, i try to keep around a tenner in my purse but usually pay for things with my card.

3. What’s a word that rhymes with ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

blue_by_you March 2 2015, 06:12:58 UTC
This was fun to read!


hobbitblue March 4 2015, 00:58:12 UTC
Good :) did you see the other comment saying there's another survey going round? I'm a sucker for such things, I freely admit..


cmcmck March 2 2015, 08:04:01 UTC
I saw this one, found it a bit, well strange and answered the other one that's doing the rounds instead.

We really do need to write a European based meme!


hobbitblue March 4 2015, 00:51:42 UTC
There's another one?? uh oh, doing this one ate my limited online time as it was.. *sits on hands and doens't go and look at your lj*


hobbitblue March 5 2015, 22:51:42 UTC
Ta. Not sure I'll do that one..


ganimede March 4 2015, 19:52:44 UTC
Yay, I got two mentions! And yes, we will definitely meet up for lunch one of these days :)

That's a nice desktop picture, the light is very atmospheric.

Edinburgh is a nice city, very walkable and doesn't feel overly huge or cramped like some cities do (I'm looking at you, London.)

Ooo, family bible! That's very handy.


hobbitblue March 5 2015, 22:55:19 UTC
I can mention you again if you like :)

Yes, its very soothing, plus yay horsies

I think the compactness of Edinburgh's one of its main charms, plus its got main bits and lovely little wind-y hidden bits to poke around, and hte history and I love the park and.... yes. Like.

I always meant to look into our family tree but never have, got various.. not exactly skeletons but theres various bits of the family that don't talk to others so there are living relatvies that have turned up to my surprise before now, goodness knows what's lurking in the distant past! My uncle's done some research on my mum's side of the family but the Bible's from my dad's side.


fezabel March 9 2015, 21:53:40 UTC
I love reading these, getting to know more bits about friends. :)


hobbitblue March 9 2015, 23:58:27 UTC
They're always fun to read and to do...


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