just when you get on a roll

Nov 19, 2005 17:38

I definitely heart Ok Go a whole lot. They are so awesome!

Last night aliste went to see them at the Metro. They were playing an instore immediately before, but we decided being in the front row at the Metro was more important than the instore. We go to the venue about an hour before doors and no one was there, so we went into the "Cool Stuff" convenience store across the street. We walked around there for a bit just because we didn't want to be outside, and eventually bought some hot chocolates. This proved to be a good move, as they kept us warmer as we waited for doors to open.

There were two openers, which we weren't too pleased about. The first opener, Giant Drag, was pretty good, and was at least very entertaining, because the guitarist/lead singer/girl was really adorable. The guy was playing the drums and the keyboard at the same time, which was pretty cool. The second opener, She Wants Revenge, was less enjoyable, for sure. They seemed to be channeling the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and their entire dress and attitude was that of "I am so hardcore, look at how hardcore I am." They weren't horrible, though, just not my kind of music; there was this jerky asshole in the balcony though that shouted out "You suck! Fuck you!" throughout the their entire set, which was really annoying.

While the second opener had been setting up we saw this guy dressed like he was trying to be a member of Ok Go (stripy pants, green jacket and polka-dotted tie), and at first we thought he might be a member of the second opener, but we decided he was doing too much setup for that. After they were done the mystery continued since he was setting everything up, but yet what kind of roadie dresses like that? aliste and I finally agreed that he was the Andy Lala of Ok Go; he was really picky about things when they were setting up (taping something down with ridiculous amounts of tape), and we definitely got sick of seeing him as we were getting more impatient before Ok Go came on. He also stood around just offstage and handed them guitars, etc. during the show. Also right before the show they turned on this smoke machine and it kept blowing smoke right in our faces, which we were sure couldn't be good for us. We didn't really know where the smoke was going, since it wasn't going out into the audience except for the very front row (PS aliste, it appers that "Many commercial smoke machines use 'fog juice' that consists of glycols, glycerine, and/or mineral oil, with varying amounts of distilled water"... yeah, so probably not all that great to inhale :P)

Finally Ok Go came out and rocked the house. They were amazing. This was one show I definitely came out of with a sore throat. I love that they wear clashing patterns, and their "rock star" jumps. They played a lot of songs I really love.


After the first song Damian told us that he had had 20 minutes of sleep in the past three days and was on enough caffeine to qualify as being on crack. He also said that he couldn't really tell how excited we were, because even though it seemed like we were roaring and cheering, it seemed like that when we went to a Starbucks too.

They did a cover of Prove My Love by the Violent Femmes and during the song Damien was a maniac since he wasn't playing guitar, just singing. There was a barrier in front of the stage, and at one point he jumped from the stage onto one of the little platforms on the stage-side the barrier, directly in front of me. Like 3 inches away, and it wouldn't have been that much if I hadn't leaned back. So much hotness, right in front of me! It was amazing. Then he got back on stage and promptly ran off backstage, only to reemerge from behind the crowd, run through the audience to the stage and leap back onto it.

The encore was of course them dancing to A Million Ways, which was awesome of course. After the show was over the metro staff was being really bitchy about the setlists. I took my opportunity to go back to the sound board and get that one, which I'm glad I did because when they did take a moment to hand out some of the ones on stage they didn't hand them anywhere near us.

What an amazing show, it was definitely awesome. Yay Ok Go!

music, show reports

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