cptmoll... guess who I just saw, live on stage?
Will Hoge!
I must say he put on a really good show. Good enough to cause me to buy a CD afterward, anyway. :D
I noticed he was playing at a local venue called Uncle Pleasant's, and my Dad said we should go down and see him. The show was supposed to start at 9pm with one opener, and we were relaxed about arrival time, so we got there at about 10pm and the opening band, Backyard Tire Fire, was still playing. They continued playing until 10:30pm... that's one long opening act! Luckily they weren't too bad, and we got there late anyway. This all means that Will didn't get on until 11pm, but it was definitely worth the wait.
He said they were working on a couple of new albums that would be coming out early next year, and played one of the new songs which was pretty awesome. For the last part of the encore Will and the rest of the band (but primarily the keyboardist) walked back to the merch table at the back of the main area of the venue, where there was apparently an old upright piano buried under the merchendise. Will sat on top and his keyboardist played and we "had ourselves a moment." The boy has some pipes, and he was definitely able to project without the mic. When he tried to play the harmonica solo, it was obvious something was off, and he remarked that this piano was really out of tune, so they skipped to the next vocal part. Then for the second harmonica break in the song he hummed/whistled a bit of it while miming playing the harmonica, but then they just skipped the rest of it again. Then they led a country sing along, launching into a song which apparently everyone in the venue knew except myself and my Dad. Finally they got to the chorus and it was that "I've got friends in low places" song, but damn, I don't know the words to that.
A great part about him being back behind the merch table at the end was that he was already back there, so when I bought a CD I got him to sign it. The funniest part was when I went to go find my Dad, only to find him deep in conversation with Will's lead guitarist! They went on talking for a while; when I asked my Dad what they had been talking about, he said that he had just asked what the weird slide-guitar type thing the guy had played was, and then the guitarist had said he was experimenting with lots of things, like the mandolin. Enter my Dad the mandolinist, and they were talking about all kinds of things. It was kind of hilarious.
Anyway, glad I went. Fun times!