so yeah, it's that time again. audition time. oh joy. i hate monologues. i really do. not that they can't show off some really awesome acting talent. it just seems like every time i audition for anything i panic and get shaky. well here's the ones i think i'm gonna use
Never Been kissed by Abby Kohn
Josie Gellar
1 minute
That thing, that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy. And the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person that you are supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment, you get this amazing gift, and you wanna laugh and you wanna cry. Because you feel so lucky that you found it, but so scared that it will go away all at the same time.
okay, yeah, so it's a movie monologue. it's a good one though. i want to use it. and it's quick to memorize. yay.
A monologue from the book by Mark Twain
NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Eve's Diary. Mark Twain. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1906.
EVE: We are getting along very well now, Adam and I, and getting better and better acquainted. He does not try to avoid me any more, which is a good sign, and shows that he likes to have me with him. That pleases me, and I study to be useful to him in every way I can, so as to increase his regard. During the last day or two I have taken all the work of naming things off his hands, and this has been a great relief to him, for he has no gift in that line, and is evidently very grateful. He can't think of a rational name to save him, but I do not let him see that I am aware of his defect. Whenever a new creature comes along I name it before he has time to expose himself by an awkward silence. In this way I have saved him many embarrassments. I have no defect like this. The minute I set eyes on an animal I know what it is. I don't have to reflect a moment; the right name comes out instantly, just as if it were an inspiration, as no doubt it is, for I am sure it wasn't in me half a minute before. I seem to know just by the shape of the creature and the way it acts what animal it is. When the dodo came along he thought it was a wildcat--I saw it in his eye. But I saved him. And I was careful not to do it in a way that could hurt his pride. I just spoke up in a quite natural way of pleasing surprise, and not as if I was dreaming of conveying information, and said, "Well, I do declare, if there isn't the dodo!" I explained--without seeming to be explaining--how I know it for a dodo, and although I thought maybe he was a little piqued that I knew the creature when he didn't, it was quite evident that he admired me. That was very agreeable, and I thought of it more than once with gratification before I slept. How little a thing can make us happy when we feel that we have earned it!
yeah. the comedic one is soooooo much longer. gonna have to cut to memorize. oh well. nothing wrong with that. i'll deal. just have to print these out somewhere. oy. dad's computer is being a bitch about printing lately. guess i'll just have to do it in the lab tonight after that effing movie they're making us watch for lart. not that i don't like romantic movies, i'm just not a fan of Barbra. don't really want to watch a movie about her. not that i didn't like her version of "a star is born" that was good. but i just don't get the whole superstar thing. not a big fan of her acting. oh well. life must go on
Edit: okay, so i really enjoyed the movie (so much that i want to own it now) so that's a grand total of two Barbra Streisand movies i like. go figure