1. Beer imbibed in sufficient quantities before a diagnostic mammogram makes the process MUCH more comfortable. Will have to try this next year for the routine one. I always forget how bad they are
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I think anytime one has their breasts smashed they should get ice cream. It's a given.
Not really sure what to rec as most of what I've been reading has been in a fandom you don't follow. However, there have been a few in it I'd like to rec if you don't mind slash. One in particular I think you'd like was an A to Z of literary terms and each mini chapter was done in that style. Another is pure sci-fi that reminds me of stuff I've read in Asimov. I think the second is mostly gen, I don't remember any kind of sexual anything in it...possibly just implied it was heading in that direction, though.
My apologies if I've recc'd them before. I feel like I've recc'd them to everyone I know! :p
I think LJ is just flaky tonight-- the first comment had those links showing up as such for me, but I noticed my original post did not show up with the underline, though it seemed to be a live link when I held my cursor over the linked text.
And thanks for the recs. I'll have a look eventually.
Good for you for going to your exam! Funny, but I haven't found the exams to be painful. At least not to the point that I've read people complain about. Maybe I've just been lucky getting decent techs.
A Snarry rec, is that what you'd like? Here is one written by a friend. I was one of the betas and whipped her into completing the story in time for the fest. It's my second favorite story she's written. It's called "Anachronism" located at Adult Fan Fiction - http://hp.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600024152
Comments 5
Not really sure what to rec as most of what I've been reading has been in a fandom you don't follow. However, there have been a few in it I'd like to rec if you don't mind slash. One in particular I think you'd like was an A to Z of literary terms and each mini chapter was done in that style. Another is pure sci-fi that reminds me of stuff I've read in Asimov. I think the second is mostly gen, I don't remember any kind of sexual anything in it...possibly just implied it was heading in that direction, though.
My apologies if I've recc'd them before. I feel like I've recc'd them to everyone I know! :p
And thanks for the recs. I'll have a look eventually.
A Snarry rec, is that what you'd like? Here is one written by a friend. I was one of the betas and whipped her into completing the story in time for the fest. It's my second favorite story she's written. It's called "Anachronism" located at Adult Fan Fiction - http://hp.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600024152
Or on Live Journal here - http://kibatsu.livejournal.com/51211.html
And here for the 2009 Snarry Games - http://asylums.insanejournal.com/snarry_games/252197.html#cutid1
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