Finally, an Update

Jan 13, 2005 20:03

I'm so happy Alias is back. I've got friends from work watching for the first time, so I've done my job, J.J.

I've enjoyed the epis so far. The gang has fun aliases, there' s some action, some questions, and the seeds of tension. There are two things I am not as fond of: first is the one-off nature of the episodes, but I am hoping that after they've hooked the newbies, they will be a little less contained. Second, that Syd needs to be resued so others will have something to do. Hopefully, that won't always be the case. Many of the comments at TWoP leave me a bit confused, however. I'm not sure what people expected. I think we've all put S1/S2 so high on a pedestal that nothing will ever measure up. There were plenty of plot holes and unanswered questions there too. It's the nature of the show. It does so much, that sometimes you just need to let the need for immediate details go, and take a leap of faith. I think they are doing as best they can to right the wrongs of last season, and the best they can with ABC micromanaging. Besides, there is always fanfic to bridge the gaps.

I've also read a lot of negative things about Sydney and how she's handling Sloane and Jack. Snarky!Syd is the only way I can imagine her working with him (except in autobadgirl's fic ;)). Everyone wants Warm!Fuzzy!JackandSyd, a la S3, but I'm always reminded of the episode where Syd finds him in a bar (s2) and tries to talk to him, mentioning their warming relationship and he says something to the effect of "What we have is only temporary". It always seemed so harsh, but Jack KNOWS. There is so much going on that only Jack and Sloane know about. Jack doesn't actually expect it to be any other way, even if he wishes it were. I also believe that when push comes to shove, we fall back on old family habits, no matter how stupid, irrational or juvinile they may seem. I only have to look at my 38 year old sister and my own father for that example. For Sydney, Jack is still the man who emotionally neglected (abused, whatever you wish to call it) her as a child, whom she desperately wanted affection from and was denied. We may know that Jack loves her and looks out for her, but she can never tell if it's the truth, or what his motivation is. She doesn't really believe he loves her for her. That's really really sad. The opposite is true with Irina. She grew up worshiping her mother, wanting to be just like her. The reality of Irina was difficult to mesh with all that, but those feelings don't just go away. Irina played her so well, it wasn't hard to make Sydney love her again, even if she hated what she stood for. I do think that Irina "loved" Sydney, but I also think that love won't save you from Irina if it interferes with her endgame.

Well, I've rambled enough about that for now...

Thanks to julifish for the new icon.

My gf is positive I'm having an affair because I talk to you all online. We've got a ginormous fight brewing. Sigh. Fortunately, she's started school again, so I can have my time to do as I wish. Sounds healthy, eh?
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