Mar 15, 2010 00:04
- 00:01 @ dreamingtree just pass me the boiled goose
- 00:02 @ dreamingtree then my work here is done.
- 00:05 man, you remember the good old days when Pearl Jam was relevant? yeah, me neither.
- 00:06 @ deweese dude you would totally rock the top hat.
- 00:08 @ JAlanGrey I think I was sick that day.
- 00:12 @ edcookdotorg do the buns count?
- 00:19 crap the time changes tonite and I've got a jail to paint at 9:30 tomorrow morning. I should probably go to bed.
- 09:29 Driving to Mike's house. Blasting Ace of Base. Like ya do.
- 10:38 @ dreamingtree come over to Mike's
- 12:56 - We haz door
- 16:15 @ notashamed hold me
- 16:25 I hate it when there's a huge guest list update on the dragoncon site and none of them interest me.
- 16:28 @ dreamingtree I think they just turn out all the lights and say, "whoa, did you feel that? It's really hot right here all of a sudden."
- 16:30 @ dreamingtree altho it is kinda cool that it looks like they're trying to have a Lost in Space reunion
- 19:24 OMG RT @anariazarrel: Reading @gagadaily - Lady Gaga Coming To Glee - :D
- 22:13 @ notashamed bird/owl?
- 23:17 aw RIP Peter Graves
- 00:01 Dear Guy Fieri, you have like 6 shows now. Let someone else have one. Alan Thicke isn't doing anything.
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