My tweets

Apr 13, 2010 00:16

  • 09:57 @ kelldar go to my friend's site. she has better stuff and sells the han on the sly:
  • 10:23 @ WillowMeThis quiet. busy morning :)
  • 12:17 Having @jimmyjohns for lunch so I can grow up to be as awesome as @katiecandraw
  • 13:32 after dealing with #samsung's customer service for 40 minutes b/c they misspelled my name, I am ready for free cake.
  • 13:51 So I got that dealt with and the shipping label is still misspelled as Hosmann. #samsung is made of fail today.
  • 13:51 @ TheSenator no, it was chocolate
  • 14:04 and now I got an email saying that label was canceled, but I have yet to get a new label to replace it with the right name. #samsung #fail
  • 15:44 @ edcookdotorg the Mondayest.
  • 16:15 Glad I asked to have all other shoes held til today before they could be dropped. It's like Payless threw up in my cube.
  • 21:13 @ notashamed sambuca margarita?
  • 21:46 @ RocketZman I really wouldn't call that growing facial hair
  • 21:58 @ TheSenator I have the feeling it'll be on @thinkgeek within the week.
  • 22:02 I don't understand why the dudes in the Windows 7 commercials are goofy looking guys who need the models but the chicks are hot and don't.
  • 22:18 @ harlotry seriously they don't need the models. they're already super attractive. I don't get it.

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