Jun 06, 2010 00:01
- 00:43 And I'm still up. Great. Just great.
- 03:41 Asleep for 40 mins until I wake up to Ewan puking his way down the stairs. Whee.
- 08:12 Off to the Children's Museum to troop. Glad I'm going Tusken today b/c I bet I look like ass. At least Ewan's fever broke.
- 12:11 Children's museum is packed. You'd think they knew we were coming.
- 12:19 Got tuscan grilled chicken sammich. Tusken... I slay me.
- 16:42 I love that I still remember all the words to momma said knock you out.
- 18:33 I think one of the greatest mysteries of cinema is how the hell Indiana Jones got into the submarine in Raiders. A can opener?
- 19:22 @ notashamed it depends on how awesome those dumb things are
- 19:32 It really is a pain in the ass to find places with sonic screwdrivers in stock.
- 20:22 Ewan: Remember, Dad, the guy with the chainsaw always wins.
- 21:23 bow ties are cool.
- 21:32 @ starwars woo the H-Wing!
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