Jun 08, 2010 00:01
- 10:01 I somehow got put on some mailing list in Germany for something and I tried to unsubscribe and they said I'm not on the mailing list. Ow.
- 10:16 @ iam2faboo just as I was sitting here lamenting the fact I wasn't WFH today b/c there's a Dr. Who marathon starting at 11...
- 12:44 Dear radio now, no backstreet boys song qualifies for the back in the day buffet. Stop it.
- 13:30 Aw, damn, farmville's coming to Apple products? Dammit, there went my last holdout.
- 13:44 @ notashamed is it bad I don't remember?
- 14:03 @ notashamed yeah the last time I talked was to Heather when I left after lunch 90 mins ago. I'm popular.
- 14:14 @ notashamed nah, I'm not much of a pie fan. Now cake on the other hand...
- 15:34 @ notashamed I finally broke my three-hour vow of silence to ask a question about time tracking.
- 15:52 @ katiecandraw #katieforyounglings I haven't decided if that sounds creepy or not.
- 19:04 You don't watch S3 of Dr. Who. You endure it. #daleksinmanhattan
- 22:29 @ quackdamnyou you can also substitute tofurky if the need arises.
- 22:49 @ notashamed I'd recommend stretching and at least 8 hours sleep before attempting the turducken maneuver.
- 23:03 @ quackdamnyou oh, I only use a brisket for medicinal purposes.
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