Jun 11, 2010 00:01
- 09:02 @ mattpf It's ok; he didn't say Chewie oats ;)
- 09:21 man gmail has really been sucking lately in its spam filtering job.
- 10:24 @ skyjammer I really need to figure out if I can make it up to that for more than a day this year. I'd like to.
- 11:57 Everyone's in a snit about this img change to the google homepage, but who actually searches from the homepage anymore?
- 12:26 The boys are #pullingahofmann and watching chicken little on disney.
- 14:28 @ brewhouse that's no burger... it's a space station.
- 15:15 haha google already took down the background images.
- 15:20 @ mattpf #steinwatch2k10
- 18:32 Ugh traffic sucks for biking now that the overpass is reopened.
- 19:54 wow, that's destiny right there. RT @gawker Confirmed: It's a Small World After All bit.ly/9ZUnT9
- 23:02 @ notashamed I got it; I just chose to ignore it.
- 23:28 @ notashamed no purple gems for you
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