Jun 25, 2010 00:03
- 08:10 @ iam2faboo that's what you get for bragging about being able to sleep in yesterday.
- 08:38 @ ClevelandChick I had to add you back b/c I'm a Cleveland guy more than happy to be in Indy. We're like ebony and ivory. Or something.
- 08:49 @ TheSenator @agirlcalledbob @deweese actually, September is far superior. My bday is talk like a pirate day, so it's obv better than all.
- 09:29 RT @Dragon_Con: 70 days!
- 10:20 @ Craymond_HOD are you downloading it from somewhere? I've been tempted but decided not to. Still on BBC America schedule w Van Gogh.
- 11:07 Who the frak is Mark Lightsabre and why does he keep trying to add me on FB? Use your real name and I might add you.
- 11:25 @ JediRacer8 there's also that Rick Uranus dude. That name just sounds wrong.
- 11:29 @ TB5918 I'm a bit over all the random adding in FB. Just b/c you like SW it doesn't mean I want to add you.
- 11:35 @ JediRacer8 yeah, me too. I cut out about 100 people a few months ago, but I'd love to knock out another 200 or so.
- 13:06 @ IckyVicky haha lemmings.
- 13:41 My wife said our netflix queue resembles one of a single guy who lives with his parents. just b/c it's full of DS9, Dr Who and Animaniacs...
- 13:48 @ dreamingtree not in instant queue. mail though yeah.
- 20:29 no matter how many times I play it, I still have no idea what's going on in super smash bros brawl.
- 20:44 @ TheSenator about time!
- 23:23 you know I remember the days when someone would write on my fb wall to say hi or whatever. now it's to tell me my crops are unwithered.
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