Jul 11, 2010 00:02
- 06:25 I have star trekkin' in my head this morning. It's odd. Let's troop.
- 08:46 They want the RFTs to hold the banner today. Yeah. No.
- 09:45 Gave in. Holding the banner.
- 09:57 Alright we've been waiting for 3 hrs. Let's roll.
- 11:38 Mmm Ft Wayne derby girls...
- 12:02 I dunno if ppl know this? But ft wayne is a dump.
- 13:37 @ notashamed do something inappropriate w a swizzle stick for me.
- 15:21 Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear just said a car cornered like a Cylon interceptor. Win.
- 15:30 Then they used the theme from Twin Peaks to show a beauty shot of a car and now they're looking at the Batmobile. I love this show.
- 19:18 watching Azkaban and GOF on ABC Family until Doctor Who comes on #pullingahofmann
- 19:36 @ varza not a rumor. that's true.
- 20:03 Two observations: 1. I don't understand why Liam needs to get completely naked when he poops.
- 20:08 and 2. I'm kinda upset that Bill Nighy is in "Vincent and the Doctor" b/c he can't be on the show again unless they need art critics.
- 20:10 @ gandalfbmg talk to them about trooping. our troop with our derby team is our favorite of the year :)
- 22:41 I know it probably goes without saying? But Katy Perry is delicious.
- 23:00 @ notashamed I'm afraid you are mistaken
- 23:08 @ gandalfbmg ha if I came out there I'd wear my Tusken ;)
- 23:22 @ iam2faboo yeah ya do
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