Jul 15, 2010 00:03
- 08:47 grr I have 5 different versions of "Just Dance" except the one I actually want #lifetimemovie
- 10:48 @ roguepuppet aye
- 11:57 Got an email saying my boots shipped on Fri. Phew. Game on with my Star Trek costume. Here's hoping they're not too huge #TWSS
- 12:47 @ RocketZman TOS style captain boots from caboots. It's been an ordeal.
- 14:46 @ sTmykal @homermt yeah, instead it's in my neck of the woods, granted a few blocks south of where I get on it.
- 15:39 There are few things more useless in this world than the USPS package tracking service.
- 15:50 @ agirlcalledbob it's like the package is telling us a story of its trip after it gets there instead of calling in during layovers.
- 18:12 @ TheSenator woo!
- 18:34 @ agirlcalledbob hey, that ties Firefly's highest ratings! ::ducks::
- 19:51 I wish I had psychic paper.
- 21:07 Well, how 'bout that. The chicken came first. bit.ly/aqjwa1
- 21:18 I need to know what we have to do to get @oldspice to be at Dragon*Con. There are a lot of smelly people there who need him.
- 21:55 mmm... TRON: Legacy Wiimote... ::drools:: bit.ly/9zSwGi
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