Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Dec 30, 2007 15:37

Age: 23
Gender: Female

1. Give us reasons for and against you being sorted into each house.
a. Gryffindor
For: Well, people tell me I'm brave. And sometimes I am. Mostly when I need to be. For me or for somebody else. Daring, if by daring you mean, act first, then think of my reasons why, or just an incredibly stubborn will, towards ends that may or may not be entirely rational, then, yes.
Against: I hate confrontation. Moreso now, rather than when I was younger, so if I really have to, I'll face it, but this is usually after some prodding by third parties. And the lengths I've often gone to avoid it are pathetic...and hilarious.

b. Slytherin
For: I'm ambitious-ish. I pride myself on being independant and any restrictions on this is usually enough to get under my skin. I hate being dependant on people because it makes me feel completely useless to them. I'm also fairly charming without even really trying -- it's probably a Southern thing. And I can be cunning, which is both due to the avoidance thing and opportunism.
Against: I haven't really tried to live out any of these qualities in years, prior to reading Harry Potter. I don't know, I just felt there was more to life than 'taking everything that came'. There's probably still that 73% desire to take over the world -- then I'd be standing there as I do whenever I get a little bit of power, "Wth do I do now?" More of an attitude.

c. Hufflepuff
For: I can be loyal to friends, family members, I've even taken chances on strangers, and often naively believe that "people are basically good". I could easily see myself in Helga's shoes, best friends with Rowena, and "taking the rest". And I value fairness. I admire people who are more impatient and firm than I am, because they're honest and seem sort of brave. As long as their judgements are fair.
Against: Not particularly hardworking, unless it's something I'm really passionate about. Nor am I a patient myself. I admire patience in others. I wish I could be more patient, sometimes.

d. Ravenclaw
For: I know how to read. I like learning new things and surprises.
Against: I'm terrible at riddles. Do you know how long I could be standing in front of that Tower door? Quite embarassing. Also learning for the sake of learning seems like a cheat if no one gets anything concrete out of it. It doesn't have to be that concrete. If it can be felt by one of the five senses, it's concrete enough to me.

2. If you had access to a Time Turner, and did not have to worry about any restrictions, nor about whether you were going to return or not, what would you use it for and why? One?!? I'd change a particularly bad error in judgement, that damaged not only my reputation and friendships with others, but I don't know, it was a pretty bad error, and hurt people's feelings to a degree that didn't sit right with me. Yeah, I know I learned a lot through the experience, but I don't like that someone had to get hurt so that I could learn a lesson. Especially because, in hindsight, I really don't think they deserved it. Some people actually disagree with me on that. I suppose it's not one of those black and issues, but it is to me. I was wrong -- I often am -- but this just hurt one person too many.

3. Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse? Had no other option. Crucio for pest control.

4. Under what circumstances would you work for Voldemort? Threatened my life, or Imperio. I'm weak-willed and become very opportunistic/survivalist when death is on the line. But if he threatened my friends and family, I'd definitely have to stop him -- or die trying, I suppose.

5. What class do you think you would excel in at Hogwarts? What do you think would be your favorite? Divination looks fairly easy, though I've had fairly easy courses ruined by scatter-brained professors before. Or Defense Against the Dark Arts, because it's hands-on and relatively safe -- unless you're teaching. I'd like Care of Magical Creatures because I like animals, and magical animals, especially dragons, would be my favorite. I don't know how well I'd do in that class. Or if I'd even survive. So, um, nice knowing all of you.

6. You have to make five Horcruxes. What significant objects would you choose, and why? Why are these objects so important to you, that you would be willing to stick your soul into them? This is a horrible question. Murder someone? Split your soul? Okay, going with canon only:
-Cornelius Fudge. One of his rings. Crime: Mostly his actions in Goblet of Fire.
-Dolores Umbridge. One of those kitten plates. Crime: Do I really have to repeat them?
-Horace Slughorn. One of his trophies. Crime: Not choosing a side. And giving off a weird Michael Jackson vibe.
-Lucius Malfoy. His cane. Carry that thing with me. Crime: I still don't trust him.
-Uncle Vernon. His doormat. It's how I see him. Put that in front of my house. Scare soliciters. Crime: There are too many.

7. What would your Boggart form be? Why? Cockroaches. Can't think of anything else I fear. They just creep me out and seem devoid of personality. Unlike spiders which are sort of cool. Sorry, Ron.

8. You can only store one memory into your Pensieve to visit over and over again. Which one would it be? Why? During the production of my first film directing, my photography crew would whisper amongst themselves prior to shooting. Often with me on the otherside of the room, but they would stop talking as soon as I entered hearing range. I would love a chance to be able to go back and eavesdrop on that conversation they were having. I don't care how mean or irrelevant, I figure any information might be helpful to becoming a better director. Consequences, what are those? Ooh, Pandora's Box, let's have a looksie!

9. You have stumbled across the Mirror of Erised. What is it that you see? Why? My dad to hug me? Pretty impossible, I'd say. And could still be my reason for a lot of my actions. Maybe the whole American dream thing. Possibly in another country. My heart is a bit of a wanderer.

10. What are your hobbies/interests? How do these activities contribute to your personality? Writing, filmmaking, activism (sort of), love, arguing pointless facts, turning serious debate into mockery (not that it needs any help), rebirth out of decay, leopards, friends...

11. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Boo negative stereotypes! I don't know. Change -- I don't know if I want to do that. Well, no, of course I do, just don't always really know how. The world changes on its own. The world has heroes. I really don't see myself as one of them. As an artist, I change the way people see, but it's up to them whether they want to. Is that pretentious? Perhaps. Or perhaps it's pretentious to assume that everybody is going to love everything you do. That's pretension to me.

12. List three major qualities you look for in a friend. Why are these qualities important to you? Loyalty, honesty, sense of humor. Though the last is probably just what you'll need in order to be my friend. I can be friends with practically anybody, but if you're disloyal or I sense you're not being completely honest with me, I probably won't see you as being that close. Or I'll discontinue our frienship entirely if the offense was bad enough -- this rarely ever happens because I've moved around a lot and hate breaking ties. But it does happen. *le sigh*

13. Who is one person, real or fictional, that inspires you? Why? My academic advisor from college was pretty much my 'old man with a twinkle in his eye', if you get the reference. And I admire the patience writer/director Kevin Smith must have, as well as his occassional snarkiness. But first and foremost, I admire Capt. James T. Kirk. True, I've gotten in debates about Jean-Luc Picard being a better public spokesman, and doesn't take his crew on dangerous and unnecessary missions -- but that's what that show was about. And he didn't make them, they all worked together. True, Kirk always stole the spotlight -- that's partially William Shatner, and partially because that's what any leader inevitibly has to do. And he's not completely arrogant. He does listen to and for the most part respect Spock's opinions. He doesn't always follow them to the letter, but that's what being a leader also is. Not pandering to special interests or simply 'playing it safe', but doing what you believe is right based on the facts you can gather at any given time. Called being responsible. *nods*

14. Outside of Harry Potter, what book has had an impact on your life and why?
"To Kill A Mockingbird". Grew to love Atticus Finch. Very inspiring. Read it about 3 times, 3 different stages in life. Once in 8th grade. A 'complete' version, that read like a bunch of short stories. We didn't actually finish it, so the teacher let us complete it instead. The results were disturbing and hilarious. I don't remember what I wrote, but I do recall a fellow classmate reading his aloud. He turned the point of view around to Dill and made it about "Boo Radley's killing spree" and then Dill's severed head seeking revenge. You never forget a story like that.

15. What excites you most out of life? What is it that makes you feel so fulfilled and enlightened about it? I'm an Enneagram Type 7 Enthusiast, practically everything excites me. Life, music, shiny things, people, approval from people I respect, or have a grudging respect (even better).

16. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?
-Creative, intuitive
-Easy going, everyone has their contradictions

17. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
-Lazy, can come across as lacking ambition
-Reckless, can come across as impulsive, unreliable
-Bossy, can come across as arrogant, impatient

18. Do you believe in fate or free will? Free will. Fate is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

19. If someone close to you was in danger, what would you do to save them? This could be anything. Don't know. I've pulled people out of the street from speeding cars before without even thinking. My secret ambition is to learn how airplanes stay up.

20. What is one important life lesson you have learned so far? What did it take out of you to realize this? "Shouldn't we pass up? Shouldn't we fold? Aren't certain stories best left untold? Some things like buttons are best left undone." Life is meant to be lived one step at a time, not in a rush for it to go somewhere. Build a foundation, don't judge or burn bridges. Personal experience of doing the exact opposite of that.

21. You have stumbled across five magical wells. One is the Well of Common Sense and Logic, the second is the Well of Creativity, the third is the Well of Optimism, the fourth is the Well of Physical Strength, and the fifth is the Well of Beauty. You can only drink from one well, but once you do you will be endowed with that ability for the rest of your life. Which well do you think you would definitely not need, and which do you think you would want to drink from?

Have creativity, and common sense, even though common sense isn't exactly common. Same goes for Beauty. Who's standards are we talking here? Drawn to Optimism. It's nice not to worry about things sometimes. I could also be physically stronger. Unless it'd be like in The Incredibles. That would get annoying.

22. How did you find out about hogwarts_unity? (If you remember a certain person tell us so we can award points.)
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