Prefects we have yet to hear from:
insideout and
ciela_night (
If any of you come back before we fill your positions, all you need to do is contact either the Head Mistress or myself in order to keep your job.
Slytherin: Prefect - Vacant Co-Prefect -
archon_jonusRavenclaw: Prefect - Vacant Co-Prefect - Vacant
Hufflepuff: Prefect -
criickett Co-Prefect - Vacant
Gryffindor: Prefect - Vacant Co-Prefect - Vacant
Below I've posted the application that we've come up with for those interested in becoming a Prefect. Using the list I posted above you can see our current Prefects and those positions which are vacant. We're looking for people to fill our Prefects openings. ;) Now in the case of Slytherin,
archon_jonus held the position of Co-prefect and will be given the position of Prefect if
ciela_night doesn't come forward.
Comment with your application on this post! Your comments are screened. :)
1.) To tell us a little about yourself, what about the world of Harry Potter appeals to you?
2.) You've just finished your turn around the halls and are getting ready to head back to your common room for the night. You see two first years students snooping around the corridors. When confronted, they innocently state that they'd gotten lost, but you notice they're fidgeting their pockets. What's your plan of action?
3.) One morning a student from your house comes to you with a problem concerning another student (member). They have been spreading rumors about them and their attitude has been less than friendly. The student you are talking to has tried speaking to them about it, but to no avail. They are worried it could get out of hand and don't want to chance loosing points over the bickering; they ask you to help sort it out. What do you do?
4.) You've just had a great idea for a contest but realize it might be better to make it a community wide activity. How would you go about doing this?
5.) In your own words, what do you feel the responsibilities of being Prefect or Co-Prefect are? Feel free to also include what you think should be added to that list of duties.
6.) What house traits of yours do you feel you exhibit? Do you feel you fit well in your house?
7.) What past community/LJ/moderator position experience do you have? How long have you been a member of LJ, and are you active in other communities? Do you know how to edit and make more advanced posts (such as LJ-cuts and some HTML) than the average user? Are you familiar with the community management portion of LJ? If not, are you willing to learn?
8.) What would you like to see added or changed to Hogwarts Challenge? What are some activity ideas you have and would like to see put in motion?
9.) How much time and effort would you be willing to contribute to the communities and your house? What do you feel you would bring to the position? Why would you like the position?
10.) Optional additional comments?
Also! Important! Below are the duties which Prefects are responsible for.
1.) Maintaining the common room - including links, layouts (either doing it or yourself or having students contribute), and profile information.
2.) Encouraging participation: either in your common room, the main community, sorting, or all.
3.) Being available to help students with problems, questions, or situations that arise in the community.
4.) Aiding the other staff members of the community in keeping a fun, active, and accepting atmosphere by observing the rules.
Member Roll Call is mandatory, make sure you comment on that entry!
- Please check out the Contest and Polls posted
here! :)