Name: Emily
Age: 16
Favourite Subject at Hogwarts: Defense against the dark arts, it's the most interesting subject i think. Argh, seriously, i wish my school taught it haha
How do you spend your leisure time at Hogwarts?: In Hogsmeade, because i just love shopping haha, and it looks super fun. I can't see myself playing quidditch, im not very sporty. So yeah, Hogsmeade is my sorta place ;)
If you could store one memory in a Pensieve, what would it be? Just back when i was a child, because they were the best days of my life. Especially the times i spent with my cousins. Because when we were young, i saw them every day and we have SO many memories, but now, i see them like twice a year.. =[
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into?: Spiders, for real, if there is one in my room at night, i will NOT sleep. Even a tiniest spider will scare me senseless.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?: Me being happy with a family - and also in a good job that i enjoy :)
What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself? Not to worry about what people say about you and to just open up more. Because I am so introverted right now, and i definately let people get to me.
Would you have put your name in the Goblet of Fire?: No way!! im a wimp! Seriously, i would DIE in the process
Harry Potter: Hero, Attention-Seeker, or Normal Kid in a Bad Situation? And Why? Normal kid in a bad situation. Well, he is a hero too i guess, but his personality is just so NORMAL, and if he wasn't 'the boy who lived' then he would just fade in the background at Hogwarts haha
Voldemort: Evil, Genius, or just plain Misunderstood? And why? Evil but misunderstood haha, i reckon he would be fine if he had a normal childhood. I love voldy.
Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse?: On people i hate. I wouldn't hesitate to do it to people who are mean to me at school, i mean, they REALLY deserve it. I'm not a creul person, and i wouldn't use the killing one obviously - but yeah, they really put me through hell and back
What single quality goes the furthest in defining who you are?: Bubbly i think, or maybe sense of humour. One of the two ;P
What makes a person respectable?: Non-judgemental, friendly and loyal
If you had to choose between your family, your friends, and your own beliefs, what would you do?: Family, because they just mean the world to me - and i'd choose them in a heartbeat
What do you look for in a friend?: Loyalty and sense of humour. And also to just be there for me, whenever. Not to be selfish, i say this, but one of my best friends is the most selfish person i have ever met haha.
Put the following words in order of importance to you: Duty, Family, Friendship, Honor, Justice, Power, Tradition: Family, Friendship, Duty, Honor, Tradition, Power, Justice
If you could have either a well paid easy job that did not task you mentally, or a lower paying job which gave you the freedom to pursue your interests, which would you choose? A well paid job, im so money-obsessed haha, i'm not fussed about being happy in a job, because if a job pays well, then i would be happy! Also, if the job was relatively easy and laid-back, that would be even better, because i am SO lazy. I'm the definition of lazy.
What qualities do you possess from each of the four houses?:
Hufflepuff: Loyalty
Ravenclaw: Wit
Gryffindor: Arrogant haha
Slytherin: Ambition, and everything else
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: My Outgoing-ness. I am soo lazy and soo shy, i cant get rid of it though. I mean, I do go out often, but i'm soo introverted. A close second would be to change my looks.
If you were an animagus, what would you turn into? (Assuming that the animal reflects the person, it is not chosen.): Cat. I love cats sooo much and people say i look like a cat lmao, i disagree with that though ;D
In which house do you think you belong, and why?: I'm torn between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. I think Slytherin wins over for me, i just share loads of traits with them. And i also think i relate to a lot of Slytherin charries in HP.
How did you find us? If it was from a post say where and who posted it: From affilciates or what ever they're called haha.