Name: Alyssa
Age: 17
Favourite Subject at Hogwarts: Transfiguration
How do you spend your leisure time at Hogwarts?: Reading, probably. I'm addicted to reading books of all kinds. But I'd probably do some writing and drawing too.
If you could store one memory in a Pensieve, what would it be?: Probably the memory of my trip to Yellowstone with my mom, brother, aunt, uncle, and cousin.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into?: Well, my fears are pretty stupid ones, so it would likely turn into a fire. I believe fire is my biggest fear...
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?: I would be happy. I would have graduated from college and got into the career path that I want to enter. I would have a best friend that I actually get along with and trust... Cheesy stuff like that.
What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself? Stop procrastinating, just get stuff done, no matter how unpleasant it is. Also, a lot of people kind of suck, so be prepared for that.
Would you have put your name in the Goblet of Fire?: No, most likely not. I'm not into doing dangerous things just for some glory/fame.
Harry Potter: Hero, Attention-Seeker, or Normal Kid in a Bad Situation? And Why? Just a normal kid who was just born into a bad situation. He didn't want any of it, but he didn't have much choice in the matter.
Voldemort: Evil, Genius, or just plain Misunderstood? And why? Evil, definitely. And a bit of a genius too. Of course, he used his intelligence in horrible, horrible ways.
Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse?: Only if mine or someone I care for's life were in danger.
What single quality goes the furthest in defining who you are?: Sarcastic, I think.
What makes a person respectable?: Kindness and wisdom.
If you had to choose between your family, your friends, and your own beliefs, what would you do? Most likely, I would choose my family.
What do you look for in a friend? : Caring, acceptance, understanding, intelligence, and humor.
Put the following words in order of importance to you: Duty, Family, Friendship, Honor, Justice, Power, Tradition
Family, Friendship, Justice, Duty, Tradition, Honor, Power.
If you could have either a well paid easy job that did not task you mentally, or a lower paying job which gave you the freedom to pursue your interests, which would you choose? Definitely the latter. I much prefer to enjoy what I'm doing, and challenge my brain rather than sit around bored everyday.
What qualities do you possess from each of the four houses?:
Gryffindor: Er... I'm not overly brave, but I stand up for what I believe in and am passionate about.
Ravenclaw: I'm intelligent, I read a lot, I love learning and challenging myself.
Hufflepuff: I'm kind and loyal?
Slytherin: Independent and somewhat ambitious.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: That I over-think things and worry too much.
If you were an animagus, what would you turn into? (Assuming that the animal reflects the person, it is not chosen.): Most likely, I would be a cat. I'm independent, I only like company once in a while, and I'm quiet and clever. That, or an owl, I think.
In which house do you think you belong, and why?: Probably Ravenclaw. I'm witty/intelligent/whatever, I can't stand it when people don't spell correctly or use proper grammar... etc.
How did you find us? If it was from a post say where and who posted it.: I just stumbled across it while searching for HP communities.