Your Name?: Jenny
Age?: 19
Gender?: female
Location?: Moscow, Russia
Horoscope?: Capricorn
Likes?: autumn; world history & the history of religions, culturology; keeping late hours; black tea without sugar; old books; libraries; champagne; sunflowers and poppies; retro; sea and sailing ships; old houses; weird people; sleeping till midday; behavioral analysis.
Dislikes?: coffee; irresponsible people; noisy parties; verbal aggression; the smell of vanilla; criticism; shopping; waking up in the morning; doors being left opened.
Hobbies?: reading books and fanfiction, learning languages (English/German/Spanish/Hebrew), watching tv-shows; doing crosswords
Favourite quote/saying/lyric?: "You should always be strong, otherwise there's no point in living".
What are your strengths?:
- self-control, calmness and politeness: I'm always able to answer politely (and not without sarcasm sometimes) when someone tries to insult me, I rarely lose temper;
- I always see good qualities in people, but at the same time I always know where the weak point is, but I'll never use it against you 'cause I know it'll really hurt (though if you make me really angry, annoyed and offended - I will);
- my attitude to study/work is always extremely responsible, I'm ready to undertake a major portion of a task just to be sure that everything will be done properly; I never forget about deadlines and I always try to do my best, no matter what I'm doing;
- I'm always ready to help my friends;
- I seem to have pretty good academic skills, I've always been successful in my studies without really applying much effort;
- I'm loyal and I'm a reliable person.
What are your weaknesses?:
- I always take criticism too close to heart;
- Pride is the worst of my sins;
- I'm afraid of physical pain;
- I have difficulties with trusting people.
What do you like best about yourself?: if I get down to something I'll finish it. I never give up.
What are your goals or aims in life?: to graduate from the University being able to speak at least three foreign languages fluently, move to a warmer country, to buy a house near the sea, to live here with my beloved. To work with languages/translations, or to set up a book store.
Which character from Harry Potter, DISCLUDING the obvious answer of Harry, would you say you most admire and why?: Sirius. He is the Hero. He is the one who's ready to sacrifice everything he has for his beliefs. He is the one who knows what he believes in. And Severus Snape, for his unbelievable talent, pride and self-control.
Which Hogwarts subjects would you be best and worst at - or otherwise like and dislike most?: I'll probably be the best at Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts and maybe even Poisons. I don't know why, I just feel it would be so. What I can say with sure is that I won't be successful at Divination 'cause I don't believe in it in real life, I hate the uncertainty all the prophecies are made with and I'm sure I have totally NO talent in this sphere. Astronomy, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures are not my strong parts too, 'cause I'm just not interested. Though, I'm sure I'll get good marks at all the subjects, even at those ones that are not interesting for me, 'cause I've never been able to let myself stoop to having bad marks - it will spoil my self-esteem.
Which house would you WANT to be in, or which do you have most respect for and why?: I've always been torn between Slytherin and Ravenclaw but I think I like Slytherin more. Being blind to the 'dark' history, I should say that I love this House for intelligence, for pride, for self-control, for elegancy, for allegiance to principles, for calmness and prudence.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I wouldn't take critisism and other people's opinions so close to heart.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?: I want people to be more polite with each other and less aggressive.
How much use would magic have in your current everyday life?: it would be everywhere. Elegant, natural, barely noticable - but everywhere.
If you had one day left to live, what would you do?: Sell everything I have and go to Madrid with my beloved 'cause we've always wanted to. I'll switch my cellphone off and we'll just be together for the last time.
Tell us three random things about yourself:
- I can sometimes be very sensitive and sentimental
- I still haven't read the 7th book. I was told which characters were dead by the end of the story, that Severus, Remus and others...I just can't. For me they are alive. It was a tragedy for me when Sirius died. I don't want to think about the characters I love as dead.
- I'm in love with a woman. I don't think about myself as a 'lesbian' but still, it's been over two years since we are together and we are happy.
Realism or Idealism?: Realism. One can strive for an ideal but think realistic. And logical. And never overrate his/her strength.
Optimism or Pessimism?: in between - realism. But I'm closer to optimistic point of view. Sometimes I think that if I become a pessimistic person and start seeing only bad things, I'll kill myself. No matter what happens, no matter what troubles I have in my life, I always remember that the world is beautiful and I have something to live for.
Order or Flexibility?: Order.
Planning or Spontaneity?: Planning. I hate everything that is connected with being impulsive, taking risks and making spontaneous decisions. Being emotional rarely has good consequences. Calmness, order, planning - it's better.
Goals or Dreams?: Goals. Dream is something that can never come true. Goal is something you'll achieve if you have enough strength.
Practical or Abstract?: Practical. Something you can rely on in real life.
The Individual or The Collective?: the Individual. I don't often trust people. For me it's better to control everything myself.
Standing your ground or Surrendering?: Standing my ground. And believe me, I'll never surrender. It's increadibly hard to make me do that.
Lover or Fighter?: Lover.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Cautious. I think everything over before taking decisions and I hate risk.
Mature or Immature?: Mature. Sometimes it even annoys me when a grown man behaves like a light-minded child. I easily become bored with those who behave so.
Would you hex someone who was bothering you there and then?: I have good patience and I can solve my problems with words, but if the bothering continues over and over again - then yes.
What do you see in the Mirror of Erised?: I would see me and my beloved.
What special wizarding power - i.e. Animagi, Metamorphagi, being a Seer - would you want to have?: Animagi, I think. I'll transform into a bird - a falcon or an eagle.
In what situation would you use an Unforgiveable curse?: when I'm in danger or the person I care for is in danger. I'll use it and my hand will not even falter 'cause I know that I'm right.
Be honest - if you were in the wizarding community, what view would you take on blood heritage? (If you don't know, perhaps put your current views of class and the like into context): It will never serve as a criterion for me.
Imagine the Death Eaters come to your house, you being the head of an average wizarding family. They say join them, or otherwise give them ONE member of the family. What do you choose to do? What action perhaps would you take after making this decision? I'll join them to save my family. I'll ask my family to forgive me and I'll try to explain why I'm doing that.
And even being a Death Eater, I'll try to defend people I love. And everyone I'll be able to save.
Colin Creevey has been following you around all day, trying to get you to teach him a new secret spell he saw you do that he thought was cool. What do you do?: If he's been following me the whole day and I haven't teached him yet - that means I have no time to teach him and I have more important things to do. That means I won't teach him until I have spare time to do that. And if the spell is really that secret...Than it will remain secret. 'cause what's the point of a secret spell if Colin will know it (and that he'll teach the whole Hogwarts and the spell will become not-secret-at-all)?
Would you rather be attacking up close and personal, hiding far off using a type of long range attacks, or not on the battle field at all?: up close and personal. But I won't throw myself upon my enemy blindly, I'll have strategy, I'll use my strongest points and his weakest ones. I'll be artful.
If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?: Albus Dumbledore
If you were given the chance to permanently become part of the HP-verse (as "yourself"), would you take it?: of course I would
Link to some other applications (3-5) you've voted on recently:
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