Yesterday me, nikki, and mal went and played putt putt, i got my ass kicked! its ok though, ill get better! then went over to chase's for a while. Didn't stay for to long, but everyone was having fun! Today i went to church, the went to frankfort to see the fam! It was fun. Then i played tennis with my aunt uncle and cuz. i lost, imagine that. Then
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not a bad day so far. played tennis with the family and maddie and lost to mom and dad 7-5! bummer. Then Mal and i went and ate at Fazoli's for like an hour. It had been a while, we had some catching up to do! haha. OH OK, then we went to coach trues to drop off something. Now im getting ready to go to Frankfort to do the family thing for my
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Its funny how much people can change on you. High school has only been over a week and already i dont talk to people like I used to. haha, but i guess thats part of moving on. Yea its sad but i realize that everyone is trying to find their place to fit in. I guess you really do always know which friends are going to be there for you when it comes
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do u know how long it has been since i have been home on a friday night! I was kinda bummed at first but now i see it as an evening of rest! haha, yea im a geek. But hey Mal, it gave me a chance to write in my journal 2 days in a row! count em, 2! I also watched Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason, which is a very funny movie! i highly recommend it!
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U gotta love bank class. Im jus sittin here with Mal on one side and Kief on the other. Whit O would be sitting beside me but we are not speaking to her at this point in time becuase we dont really know who her friends are and who we should be nice to. I can not wait to get out of school! It doesn't seen like we are really graduating though. So
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Jus so everyone takes around 321 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop!! Now the way i counted was i jus licked one side of the sucker until i reached the chocolate. Next time i do it ill put my mouth completely around the sucker and count that way!! haha i think that will take a lot longer though. I dont know, we'll see...
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So how many licks does it really take to get to the center of a lollipop? Have you ever tried? Well i am going to right now!!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31
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Ok well its only been about a month since i have written in my live journal, but that is ok. Maybe i jus havent had anything to write about, huh? Did u ever think about that. Ok anyways....Basketball has begun. We practice every stickin day but we are actually pretty good so it isn't that bad. so today was a pretty good day. I didnt do much of
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