Soleil Legacy: 1:2

Mar 31, 2008 21:14

So as I promised, here's the second installment of the Soleil legacy ;)

Must WARN you all though, it's a rather long chapter with nearly 100 pics. Sorry!

The fact that both Dio and Michelle is Romance Sims and this is the very first time any of them has ever thought in the direction of someone else is quite... unsettling. They shouldn't be this happily married, it makes for a boring story *crosses arms in a huff*

There are some delicious self-loathing insecurities going on though.

Awww look at that, Augusta is Dio's little precious Princess.

Favouritism? Here? Surely you jest... >_>

... My radars are going off. Why are you sleeping in your food Michelle? There can only be one reason behind this and that's-

pregnancy... Why must I be so damn good at predicting things?

... LOLS! I just can't get over the new costumes of the entertainment career *wipes tears of laughter*

Man, the new nursery rhyme is so adorable. Even if it's a new MUST LEARN SKILL before they grow into children.

That's what you get for being a nature freak. BEES! D:

I was sure he was gonna die, but he didn't.

They have lived for barely three days and they are already best friends. I like the fact that they can be interactive now.


Dio: No! I know what this means! This means more BABIES! *tries to keep back on the dryheaving*

Meet Constance. Constance is the product of me forgetting to hit the dices in CAS

This is where Constance will spend her baby-hood. All is well with the world.

You couldn't have used the showers Michelle? You HAD to use the sink right beside where your husband is trying to teach your CHILD how to survive in the world?

Augusta is the popular one. This jogger came straight in from the street without being greeted, patted her on the head and kept right on running. It was all very random.

No one likes Constance. The Nanny took her out of the crib where she was sleeping her sweet sleep and put her on the floor before leaving the room.

She's not hungry she's- .... oh forget it.

Birthdays! I postponed this to the very last second just because I can't get over the cuteness that is toddler twins.

.... ouch.

Ah yes, this is much better.
Augusta Soleil

Olivia didn't get a cake 'cause she's not daddy's little girl.
Olivia Soleil

Olivia's natural talent is Arts and Crafts after her mum. It's okei I suppose.

Augusta's is quite correctly... nature.

Lol. I just... I couldn't help myself. It was just too good not to cap. Sorry .__.

Moar birthdays!
I decided to be charitable and give her a cake. Besides, it's not every day you have a real knight at your birthday, now is there.

She's Augusta's double really, but for some reason she's cuter. Might be the china doll vintage dress <3

Michelle mostly ignores Constance, except when she sleeps. Then she stands over her crib until she wakes up before walking away again, leaving the toddler there looking all disoriented.

This and the earlier neglect in her baby-hood don’t stop Constance from being a happy little tott. Damn that dance is too cute for words >_<.

No. I am sorry but no. Augusta is NOT home to talk to you. PERV!

For heaven's sake! Is it your mission in life to ruin your youngest child forever Michelle? First the random nudity, then wake her every time she sleeps and now this? For shame!

Seems like it took. Oh joy. Yet another child you guys can ruin.

They are now BFF and this is the first thing they do every morning. Getting up and wave at each other. I swear that the world could crumble apart around them and they wouldn't bat an eyelid as long as they had each other.

Aaaarggghhh! This is like the hundredth time! *feels her left eye twitch*

Still cute!

Augusta: "What the! There's a scary man in a spandex suit here!"

Whatever you do Augusta, do not talk to him! Just ignore him and he will go away like a bad dream.

Bump! (hahaha, I hate bump pictures. This is the first and last you'll ever see).

Nooooooooo, he got her!

Every. Second. Of. Every. Day. They hang together. All the time.

It's not good when this is the face the paper boy makes upon delivering your paper.


When I am sad and it feels like the world is against you, I look at this picture and everything just falls into place again.

Soleil's very first family dinner. I just feel like I have succeeded now.

A baby... This is Tobias and the very first boy! I was rather happy about this.

And suddenly Dio turned into a good father all of a sudden. I don't know how this happened.

Constance had a birthday and was overjoyed over the fact that she now finally could be a part of the awesome twin-duo.

Sadly though... no one but twins can be a part of the super cool twin club.

This sent Constance into a rage and she randomly destroyed the very same dollhouse she inherited the same evening. She now has no doll house. Too bad for her.

More birthdays, they all seem to come in groups.

Nice Augusta thanks a bunch for that one. That's some grace you have there. Really beautiful...

Now this is more like it. Olivia really shows that she's the looker of the family. At least so far.

I just liked this picture. Now you have to look at it too.

From left to right:

Olivia Soleil


Turn ons/off: Ehm... *cough*

Augusta Soleil

LTW: Captain Hero (I think)

Turn ons/off: Beard, make up/full face make up

Tobias' baby-hood was more or less ignored, and here he is as the cutest toddler ever.

For a family sim Augusta isn't very talented at all. Please put the child down and step away with your hands above your head.

Augusta has an unhealthy obsession with the work-out machine. She's always on it, and especially after a meal. I won't make any conclusions but...

Man, and here I was thinking you were cool. What do you go and take an innocent teenager's poster for? That's just cruel.

There's no music... Please stop .__.

The stalking, where does it end?!?

Stalker: *random monkey sounds*

Olivia: "lolwhut?"

Olivia: "Hot damn, you have awakened my demonic rage nao bitch!"


Is this where I tell you guys that I don't, in fact, have the pet expansion pack installed?
And who goes around gossiping about random cats anyway?

Augusta likes the girls, and she really doesn't have any problems in getting them either (I think this is her fourth?)

Hey, where did you girls learn the lap dance?

Oh I see what you did there, mountain girl.

If anyone was to learn how to synchronic/synchronizing/synchsomething dance the lapdance, it had to be the twins.

The fact that she is full on nice has yet to sink in with Augusta I think.

Take my word for it Olivia, drinking while guys like that are ogling you is not a good idea.

Augusta: "Yo, wazzap homie?"

Too much alcohol for you *takes away drinks*

Mrs. Crumplebottom: "lol, you should have seen his face when I slapped that young, perky bottom of his. Oh nothing is like those young boys, *cackle*"

Twins: *horrified silence*

I just can't get over the look on their faces. They're totally embarrassed to be seen hanging around with Mrs. Crumplebottom in public.

This was what greeted me upon returning back to the house.


Constance here won't be like the twins and totally ignore her younger siblings. Oh no, she's grooming her little brother into becoming a minion whom she can later use and exploit

Dio: "Big booty o’ hoy!"

Michelle: "What about getting out of the damn tub and actually CLEAN it?"

Ah, happily married with children.

Yet another random birthday for Tobias. He grew from a cute toddler into an adorable child.

For some reason he always looks on the verge of tears. He's a real whiny emo, this one.

Augusta is FIERCE!

Just took this picture to show that I have gotten new default skins for them! That, and I find Dio to be a pretty bunch of pixels <3

Tobias: "I promise that this lemonade is 100% clean. The best off the street these days, first taste always free."

I want whatever he puts in those beverages.

Ich, when did this happen? D:

Olivia wanted private school. I didn't, but you know how it goes.

The Headmaster glitched into this permanent perverted grin and could not be talked to or anything. I deleted him happily.

Though we did get him over again a bit later, and they got in. Just in case you were wondering.

I don't know why I took this picture... But I'll include it just because it's one of the very few childhood pics I have of poor emo Tobias.

You suck Michelle, seriously! This is like your hundredth demotion and your THIRD job. Jeeze.

Augusta, sweetie, you won't get any if you keep on with that.

Augusta: "nuh uh, Augusta has standards. You might not have heard of it."

Gypsy: "Ah yes, I see love for you in the future, child. True, dark and passionate love!"

Augusta: "Alright! Bring it on yeh old bag o' bones!"

Gypsy: "Hey, do you want some girls or not?"

She brought it. Damn I approve.

The Soleil home is so popular and bustling with people (I swear, all SIX of them brings at least one person home from work/school EVERY DAY) that the Diva sees fit to make an impromptu visit. No one knows her and no one invited her, but she’s nearly as FIERCE as Augusta.

Olivia is the nerd of the twins. She has already entered "the Zone" and spends most of her time on the internet blogging about it... reminds me of me.

This is her boyfriend, WhatsHisFace. I am not entirely sure he's straight. But with kids these days no one knows anyway so.

Birthday taims for Constance! Her childhood was short but bitter.

Do we approve? Yes we do. I thought she was a copy of Augusta, but on further inspection she has a longer and slimmer face, and just appear much more fragile for some reason. Which she's not.

This prompted everyone to break into a celebratory smustle.

Constance Soleil

LTW: Criminal Mastermind (she's up to something I tell you)

Turn ons/off: Erm... yeah.

Discretion? We do not know the word.

Poor Tobias... I mean seriously, I understand now why he looks like a kid taken right out from some Dickenson story. You might see the green fumes around him? Yeah. And all he has had to eat is stale birthday cake these past days.

Augusta should have been the popularity sim, not Olivia. I swear this girl gets around.

Here's her steady girlfriend though. I like her. A lot. I love her. I want her. I wish I was a pixel in a game.

Dio: "So err... I don't think I have seen you before?"

Amber Dawn (YES THAT IS HER NAME): "with all due respect Mr. Soleil. I have lived here for three days now and had sex in your and your wife's bed on several occasions."

Dio: "orly?"

And here's where I leave you, with Augusta doing da smustle out on the pavement with two of her devote followers.

Until next time folks! ;)


legacy, soleil

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