Mele does not like baths. He has a tendency to run downstairs and get in his crate if he even THINKS that you're thinking about giving him a bath. (I am not sure how a dog that loves swimming can be convinced that entering a bathtub is fatal.) However, he was long overdue this evening and was off-white in all of the white spots. I started
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Comments 2
I'm always amused by the mandatory leash thing. For the longest time, Eowyn would not move an inch if we dropped the leash on the floor next to her, even if we weren't holding onto it, because she was "on leash" and therefore couldn't possibly move more than a foot or two. She still won't move unless we've given her the "free" signal.
Currently, we're dealing with a mild issue of pack order, because Mac's favorite new game is crawling under Eowyn's belly, which she interprets as a sign of submission and proceeds to try and roll him over onto his back. It's all very friendly, but a bit too much mouth-ear contact for us to completely relax.
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