Title: Slut
Pairing: C-Note/T-Bag
Rating: NC-17
A/n: Originally comment porn, but it was too long!!
Words: 6037
_pliskin_ The bandages were dirty, C-Note's paranoid brain managed to notice as Teddy Bagwell was standing out in the hot sun, gasping a little from theheat. It was hot in 'Bama, but this dry heat was killing the older man. It was only 5 or 10 degrees cooler in the shade but that only made it about 90 degrees.
Teddy shifted uncomfortably, scratching at his bandages. The sweat was making his skin sticky and itchy, the heat barrelling down on them as they continued to dig. They'd let Teddy do his dirty work on the young couple living here - a quick slash here and there to the throat and they were contentedly 'sleeping' for the rest of the morning.
The conversation had insued outside mostly along the lines of - "what are we doing?" - "What is he doing, why is it taking so long?" - "I don't wanna know what he's doing." - "Oh God, we're gonna get caught." - "We need to start digging."
Teddy had swaggered down the stairs, told them it was done. He'd gotten looks from them and he told them what took him so long was the daughter had woken up. The stares. Oh the stares he'd gotten. The looks of anger and anguish on C-Notes and Abruzzi's face were of nothing but inner turmoil.
"She's back in bed. Told her Momma an' daddy were sick so she would get stay in her room all day. She was 4, boys. I don't go lower than 14." He said, scowling.
Thatw as several hours ago. Now Teddy was sweating, being the waiter of the group - running in and out for water and other such drinks, as well as food.
"It's gonna get infected. Stop scratching it." It was the nigger. He was standing by Teddy who looked over at his sweaty face.
"It itches. Bandages are sweaty and hot." He said coldly.
"Alright...come inside, an' I'll help you change them. They look filthy anyway." C-Note said, walking into the house. Hesistant, Teddy followed him inside.
NOw sitting at a table, Teddy stared at the dark stiches and heavy scarring around his wrist, biting his lower lip at the impressive tight and small stitching. A white box was set near him, then opened by dark fingers.
"That looks like it hurts." A nod is his answer. The stiches were cleaned with much hissingon Teddy's part, then ointment was gently placed here and there so it didn't clog up the stitches. A gauze was placed around his wrist, then clean white bandages circled the wrist and hand.
"All done...uhm...are you doing physical therapy for this?" C-Note asked, scratching the back of his head. Teddy blinked, then snorted.
"I can barely move it without wantin' to vomit, so no boy, I'm not." C-NOte grimaced, then began to caress the man's hand and wrist. He had a friend who'd lost a limb - the therapy was imperative to recovery.
"Whatchu doing, boy. Stoppat." Came the irratible voice, as C-Note began to flex the wrist minutely. Teddy clenched his teeth, gripping the table. C-Note shushed him softly,
"You gotta stretch out the muscles. Or it ain't gonna work. Don't want the muscles growin' back all stiff an' weird, do we?" Teddy shook his head as it was twisted this was and that very slowly so it would rip the stitches.
"Stop! Stop! Now!" Teddy gasped, pulling his hand away. Something in C-Note burned as he watched the usually cocky man whimper in pain hunched over the table. Something that made him grab Theodore by the chin and smash their lips together.
Something that made the black man lust for this angry racist bastard. But something else made Teddy respond in kind, teeth clinking lips smashed together as their tongues tasted and tangled roughly.
Still it was that something that made Theodore Bagwell allow himself to be pushed against the table, sliding up onto it to sit there as he fumbled with the buttons of C-Note's pants. Moans escaped between them in this flurry of motion Teddy now jacked the younger man. Thrusts of hunger pushed C-Note further into that palm made him burn inside.
"Mo..mmn..more." He gasped out as Bagwell bit his lower lip. His brown eyes were gleaming madly, with lust and hatred.
"More, ya say?" Purred the southerner, pushing the boy off him then slid from the table to collapse onto his knees. His tongue flicked out teased the head, and C-Note spasmed in pleasure. The feeling of that sick bastard wrapping his lips around his aching prick was too much - God he was better than his wife!
As Teddy's head bobbed, cheeks hollowed with the force of the suction C-Note couldn't stop himself from stroking that blonde hair, clutching his scalp with pleasure as that tongue did things to him that he thought couldn't be done. It was over all too soon, too fast the pleasure had built, too fast did Teddy pull his head back swallowing what had been spilt into his mouth.
C-Note stood there panting as Teddy grabbed his shirt and pulled himself up. A kiss was shared, slow and hungry - the taste of his seed was all too present, C-Note reflected lazily. When they pulled away Teddy licked his lip, grinning.
"Now...I don't like you nigger, just cos we shared this between us. You're still below me...and..trust me boy, soon or later you will -be- below me. Thanks for the help." He said, patting C-Note on the cheek. The only response he was rewarded with was a stunned stare as he swaggered out the door.
The grin on Teddy's face made him realize...that he'd come swagger out like that when Lincoln had gone in to talk to him about LJ. And when...Michael had spoken to him about...well...whatever it was they discussed - Michael didn't wnat to talk about it.
In fact, C-Note realized with a slowly forming grin...TEddy had swaggered out with that self-appreciating smug grin with each of them, when they'd had taken him into the house.
"You...devious little slut." Shaking his head, scratching the back of it once more, C-Note walked back into the open, chuckling at something that made the other's look at him funny.
"Oh...it's nothing. Just an inside joke between T-Bag an' I." And I'm the only one who knows about it, he thought as he began digging.