Title: The Barn
Pairing: T-Bag/Jimmy
Rating: Clean…kinda sweet.
Setting: A barn...heh.
T-Bag lay on his stomach, head and right arm hanging over the edge of the hay-loft. His arm dangled and he watched it swing back and forth, watched the piece of straw that clung to his arm for dear life. After a few minutes of staring and thinking about nothing in particular he blew the straw off his arm, cheeks puffing out and lazily returning to their normal sunken-in state.
The straw floated down to the floor that was buried beneath straw, various farm equipment, sacks of seeds and other random things. T-Bag remembered the floor being wooden. The stack of straw under the hay-loft ledge was only about a six foot drop from where he lay and he smiled as he thought about when he was young and he and Jimmy would camp out in the small barn that was run down, even then.
“Theo, you know what? Sometimes I’m glad your daddy is crazy.”
“What?!” Theodore snapped, outrage covering his young face.
“No, I don’t mean it like that…” Jimmy put his work-calloused hand on Theodore’s arm, gripping lightly. “I just mean that…I like it when you and your momma come stay with us. I like sleeping out here with you, layin’ in the straw and listening to the crickets.”
T-Bag rolled onto his back, staring up through the holes in the caved-in roof. The sun was setting and the purple clouds floated on the wind across his vision. He let his eyelids drift closed as he listened to the breeze whistle through the cracks and holes in the barn’s exterior. Before long he was asleep and dreaming.
He lay on his back in the same spot he occupied in the waking world, only he was fifteen again, and Jimmy was laying on his side next to him. “Theo?” Jimmy wrinkled his freckled forehead and stared intently at Theodore’s chest, not knowing where else to look. “I don’t know…I have no idea how to say this without it soundin’ dumb…”
Theodore rolled his head lazily to look at his cousin, his face all smooth lines and peaceful expression. He smiled, showing the tips of his straight teeth and letting a chuckle spin from his throat into the calm air surrounding the two boys. “Go ‘head, Jimmy. I promise not to laugh.”
Jimmy looked reassured and went on with his confession. “We’re family, but we’s friends too, you know? Well…sometimes I wish we were closer…”
“Like brothers?” Theodore stretched and wiggled closer to Jimmy, resting his head on his cousin’s bony hip.
“No…closer than that even.”
He woke up to a cold hand sliding softly down his cheek. He started to sit up, but the hand pushed him back. It was too dark to really see anything, his eyes hadn’t adjusted to the starlit darkness in the barn, but he knew who the hand belonged to.
“Jimmy…” T-Bag opened his eyes wider as if it would help him be able to see his cousin quicker.
“Yeah…So you got out of jail okay? No problems?” T-Bag could hear the worry in his closest friend’s voice and put a strong hand on his shoulder to reassure him.
“Yeah, man. Everything went fine…I just couldn’t go home, you know? Thanks for meetin’ me here.”
“I would’ve met you at the bus stop, you know that.”
T-Bag smiled in the dark. “Yeah, I know.” He sat up and rubbed his arms, moving closer to Jimmy for warmth. “Just glad they let me out…They told me if I didn’t behave they’d never let me go. All for a stupid breaking and entering!”
“Thanks again for not turning me in….” Jimmy draped an arm over T-Bag’s shoulders and squeezed. “One more problem with the law and my paw’d kick my ass.”
“No problem, you’d have done the same for me, Jim.” T-Bag wrapped his arms around his cousin. “Now make sure I don’t freeze to death out here.”
It was always cold in the barn at night. Theodore and Jimmy hugged tight under the pile of straw on top of them, keeping each other warm and safe.
“T-Bag pulled armloads of straw on top of them, scooting right up to Jimmy and almost burying both of them in the uncomfortable, but slightly warmer than the night air, straw.
“’Member when we’d sleep out here when we was young?” T-Bag laughed, remembering how they’d wrestle when they were too wound up to sleep.
“Yeah…I remember.”
Jimmy held Theodore down, pinning the scrawny boy with his legs. “I win!” Theodore tried to wiggle out from under the older boy on top of him, but he never could.
“Let me up and I’ll kick your ass!”
“That’s why I won’t let you up!!!” Jimmy collapsed on top of his cousin and they both lay there giggling in the straw pile.
The laughter died suddenly as Theodore stared into Jimmy’s dark green eyes and strained his neck to plant a rough kiss on his lips. Jimmy didn’t fight it and before long they had both had their first sexual encounter, not that they’d admit it to anyone.
Theodore nuzzled against Jimmy’s neck. “Yeah…those were fun times we had.”