Title- Helping
Rating- G
T-Bag’s first person point of view
I kinda felt bad for Pretty, about to lose his brother and all. I offered to sit with him while he waited for them to electrify Linc... I guess I didn’t use the right words because he looked at me like he’d punch me if he didn’t know I’d like it.
I talked to that Mexican trash cellmate of his, trying to fins out a little more about Pretty and why he was in jail. Sucre didn’t want to say much else than insults and threats. Real grown-up.
I did find out that Pretty had a thing for the pretty Ms. Doctor. I really did feel bad for him, so I decided to try and talk him up a little. Not much, just enough to maybe start something for him. I was bored.
So I went in, asked her if she’d even date a con. Her eyes darted around nervously as she backed toward the wall.
“No, T-Bag. I wouldn’t.”
“No. You stay away from me!”
I laughed at her, she thought I wanted to date her! HA! Little miss do-good helpful? Never! Now Pretty, on the otherhand…he may be tryin’ to help out his big brother, but I think there’s something he’s trying to make up for….a stolen girlfriend? Something…Plus, they’re family. I do things for my cousin Jimmy all the time, that don’t make me a good person.
But this? Tryin’ to help Pretty get a date? What the hell am I doing?!? I told the doctor that not dating cons is the smartest thing I’ve ever heard her say. She cringed when I walked by her and touched her hair. She may be no good, but that red hair is wonderful.
I went back to my cell and waited for Pretty to go back to his, so I could try again and get him to trust me a little.
He killed Maytag…And I can’t let that go. I felt safe with Maytag and he was perfectly submissive. He did what he was told, no questions asked. Sometimes even went out of his way to do something he thought I’d be proud of…
Somehow he had something to do with Jimmy’s death too. I don’t know how exactly, but I blame him for that too. If he wasn’t so damn pretty, I’d have killed him long ago. Goddamnit!!!
But….I do feel bad for him losing his brother, knowing his plan to help only made things worse by giving him hope and ripping it away. Getting’ a lot of cons mad in the process. Mr. Mexico wouldn’t kill him. C-Note might. Westmoreland is too old, too nice. I got rid of that mob-man who could’ve killed him and made him glad for it. I could kill him, but I’d rather have some fun with him first.
He walked into his cell and lay face-down on his bunk, perfect!...Probably crying into his pillow. I enjoyed the view as I walked up to him, unheard.