Title: Sundown (2/2)
Series: Something that starts with "S", part four
Characters: Jack & Ianto
Rating: PG
Summary: Ianto learns what his future could hold, if he has the strength to reach for it.
A/N: For
horizonssing day 14.
Click for Part One Ianto continued to stare at the spot where Branwen vanished in a pool of golden rift light, hopefully returning to her home twenty five years in the future; where an older version of himself waited for her. A version of himself that knew he'd never have the courage to ask Jack to marry him, not even if there was a child on the way. Its not that Ianto is too shy or retiring, or that he'd be too embarrassed to propose.
No, Ianto Jones can stand up and ask for what he wants when he needs to; but this is different. Ianto had never considered, not in his deepest thoughts, asking Jack to commit to him in that way because he simply didn't think Jack could. In his mind, even after everything that Jack has said or done to try to quell it; he still thinks that he's a space filler- a holding pattern- for Jack until something better comes along. When Jack disappeared the first time, Ianto had been crushed and damaged. The kiss Jack gave him after he arose from the dead felt like he was being kissed goodbye- the others were left, Ianto was dumped. When Jack returned, all shy and fumbling when asking him out on a date; Ianto kept his guard up. He still didn't trust Jack, he felt like a fall back because Gwen was engaged (Jack didn't know it, but Ianto had heard every word he and Gwen exchanged in that hallway- he wasn't spying- he just wasn't letting Jack out of his sight.) So Ianto played it cool; kept things casual and playful rather than investing any deep emotional meaning. Yes, he slipped a little during the whole Tommy episode, but emotions had been running high and Jack's all but saying he loved him (without actually using the words) had cracked his armor a bit. But Ianto worked to keep his guard up. Through games of naked hide and seek, to describing Jack as innovative and avant-garde, Ianto kept a carefully built stone wall around his heart this time. He let Jack break him once, he wasn't going to let it happen again.
Ianto didn't like lying. If there was anyone he always tried to be honest with, it was himself. He had slowly let Jack get through his barriers and it hurt, a lot, when he all but mooned over Gwen at her wedding. The embarrassment of cutting in during their dance to stop what could have turned into an utter disaster had taken all of his strength, but he did it. Later, while Gwen was on honeymoon, Jack had apologized for his behavior and explained what he thought was going on, and Ianto let him slip in that much further. To his surprise, Jack seemed to really mean his words, and looked to Ianto more and more for the emotional support he needed. And after Grey, and the deaths of Tosh and Owen, Ianto basically held Jack together by sheer force of will. When Jack told Ianto the whole truth of how he'd been buried in 27 AD Cardiff, and only frozen by Torchwood a mere 100 years past, the sheer weight of Jack's existence nearly overwhelmed him. Ianto made it his sole purpose to keep Jack going- making him stay with him rather in the dark depths of the hub, doing all of the administrative work and leaving nothing to Jack so he could keep active outside the hub. Even going as far to generate false leads so Jack and Gwen would just go out in the sunlight while he worked alone putting things back together. Ianto never let himself feel the losses of Tosh and Owen because he knew the others needed him to be strong, so he did just like after Canary Warf, he buried his pain and focused on the job at hand. It worked, Jack and Gwen recovered and they started to work as a small team- wounded, but functional.
Then Jack broke Ianto's heart for the second time even if he didn't mean to. Ianto was positive Jack needed him, after all, Ianto kept everything going so Jack could heal; but then the Doctor returned with Daleks. Ianto was prepared to die, actually expected to die this time and was ready. He'd helped Jack, so Jack would go on. But it still hurt when Jack got an excited look of glee (far more happy than Ianto had ever seen him) as he raced off to the Doctor, leaving he and Gwen behind to die in the hub. But they didn't die thanks to Tosh, and at times Ianto wishes he had because Jack brought back Martha and Mickey and apparently didn't need him anymore. Ianto had been so sure Jack cared about him, and here he was again with what appeared to be concrete proof that he was a meanwhile, a space holder, a part time shag. It didn't help that both of the newest members of Torchwood were loud, brash Londoners (something that Ianto had never cared for- that harsh clipped accent that grated his nerves.) Martha was okay, but when she got into it with Mickey, it just turned into a loud cockney grousing match that made him want to fade even further away. Jack and Gwen seemed to thrive on the noise and activity, maybe it frightened away the ghosts that lurked in the shadows of the hub, but for Ianto it drove him into those shadows, making him into one of those ghosts. Jack was healed, he didn't need Ianto anymore, at least that's what Ianto thought. Jack started staying in the hub again; and going out with Martha and Mickey, or to dinner at Gwen's. As Ianto saw it, he was back to admin and they were the team. He didn't notice when Jack tried to pull him into things, or ask him to go out; he just withdrew further and further. Looking back, he knows that he was finally breaking under the delayed stress of both the destruction of Cardiff and the Dalek incident; that Jack probably moved back to the hub to let Ianto recover and that Jack tried several times to pull him into the team, but Ianto was too deep into his depression to notice anything remotely positive.
When Ianto broke, he didn't jump off a roof (Jack's good on roofs, so Ianto would never willingly sully Jack's escape) or use Suzie's bullet to the skull, he just drank himself into a stupor. And the more he drank, the more depressed he became until he simply decided to drink himself to death. He almost succeeded. If it hadn't been for the pizza delivery person coming to the wrong door, Ianto would have died in his flat alone and no one would have noticed. As it was, he woke in hospital with Jack holding his hand looking like he hadn't slept in days. Jack apologized over and over to Ianto, saying all the right things and promising to never let him get so lost again. The medications they were pumping into him helped to clear the depressive fog from his mind, and for once, Ianto let someone else take care of him. For the first time, Jack admitted how much he cared about Ianto, how sorry he was for not being there; basically, Jack wanted him. Looking over the past months; Ianto could see Jack had done everything he could to make Ianto happy. Ianto could even remember the day they stopped using condoms and wasn't embarrassed. Jack was waiting for Ianto to make a move and now, Ianto was ready.
When Jack arrived at the flat, he saw the note stuck to the door. For a moment he thought it was Ianto saying he was running to the shops, but instead it said, "Dinner on the Roof. Come on up. I". Jack smiled to himself, he was quite fond of the roof garden at Ianto's flat. After Lisa, Ianto had asked Jack to help him create the space which had an amazing view of the bay. They had made it look like a beach garden, complete with sand and shells. In one corner Ianto had placed a small granite lamp in memory of Lisa, but the centerpiece was a gazebo which framed the views. They had spent many a happy day and night in the gazebo, sometimes enjoying themselves and other times supporting each other through pain. Jack had high hopes that tonight with be the former, not the latter. When he reached the top, he was quite sure it was to be a good night. Ianto had placed dozens of candles around the garden, including a real candle chandelier in the gazebo. All of the candlelight gave the place a magical glow. There was an impressive dinner spread on the table in the gazebo, and Jack pulled in a sharp breath when he heard music playing. Usually, Ianto would play big band music for Jack, but tonight it was Frank Sinatra, something he would have never guessed. Ianto was leaning against the far railing, dressed in black slacks and a burgundy silk shirt. It took Jack's breath away at how attractive Ianto looked- it wasn't just the clothes, they were incredibly flattering, it was something in Ianto's eyes and face that made Jack's heart beat faster. "Glad to see you didn't get lost. I was afraid dinner would get cold before you arrived." Ianto slowly walked over to Jack and placed a slow, sweet kiss on his lips. "Let's eat while its still warm." Ianto slid his hand down Jack's arm and laced his fingers with his hand leading him to the table. Ianto removed Jack's greatcoat and hung it on the gazebo (Jack had laughed when Ianto had installed the great coat hook of doom when they built it) and pulled his chair. A little thrown by his actions, Jack sat and smiled, but frowned when he remembered.
"Uhm, I think I forgot to bring the wine and dessert. I'm sorry, I can go get something now." Jack stammered, but Ianto only sat himself down and smiled.
"Its alright, I had something planned anyway. Don't worry about it, let's eat." Ianto filled the glass sitting in front of Jack with ice cold pear juice which was a surprise and they began eating the rather extravagant meal Ianto had prepared. When he had the time and inspiration, Ianto was an excellent cook, and he wanted tonight to be special so he'd gone all out in his preparations. The main course of herb-rubbed pork tenderloin with a reduced port wine and pear sauce explained the pear juice and was possibly the richest thing Jack had ever tasted. If the sounds he was making as he ate were any signal, Jack was enjoying himself immensely. Ianto ate slowly, making small talk with Jack; listening to his jokes and laughing. Ianto could imagine his life like this forever, in fact for the first time in ages, Ianto was actually sure of what he was doing. For so long Torchwood had been his life, gave him meaning; now he wanted it to be Jack and he wanted to give that to Jack as well. They had both given themselves over to the cause for so long, maybe it was time for them to have something of their own. After Jack finished the last of his dessert of cardamom rose ice cream, Ianto put the dishes in the box to take down to the flat and pulled Jack over to the railing overlooking the bay. They just stood, side-by-side, looking out for a few moments enjoying the quiet music and breeze. "I'm glad you came for dinner Jack."
Summer Wind began to play in the background as Jack looked at Ianto and smiled, "I'm glad you let me come. I always want to spend time with you Ianto, never doubt that." Jack was looking into Ianto's eyes, and he was sure there was something new there- it was a strength Jack had always known was present, but for the first time it was positively glowing from behind his eyes. "I guess I owe you some sort of an explanation about what Branwen said. I just didn't know how to bring it up. I'm sorry I kept it secret, but I wasn't sure how you'd react." Jack was becoming slightly nervous, he hadn't been sure yet, but after Branwen's whispered words; Jack had spent the entire day running test to make sure. He was excited, but somewhat afraid that Ianto might freak out.
"Before you say anything Jack, I have a question for you and for once I want an honest, straightforward answer. No diversions, no deflecting, no half answers that say nothing. This time, I'm asking you a question and the answer is either yes or no. Can you do that for me, can you answer just one question?" Jack was almost stunned by Ianto's tone. There wasn't any anger or fear- no trepidation; whatever the question, it was something that lay heavy upon his shoulders and Jack could only mutely shake his head in acquiescence. Ianto looked Jack straight in the eye, placed a small kiss on his lips and began. "We've had a strange relationship over the years. I betrayed you in the false hope of saving Lisa; but you forgave me. I worked so hard to regain your trust, and I admit, I fell in love with you. When you left, I died Jack. I died inside because the two people I've ever loved were taken from me. Then you came back and I tried to build walls against you, I didn't want to get hurt again and I know I hurt you when I did that; but you still cared about me and even if I didn't want it to happen, I never stopped loving you and I knew I was lost. I tried so hard to be strong for you after the terrible things that Grey did, but I failed Jack. In the end I failed because I wouldn't let you help me until it was almost too late. I've made so many mistakes, but you've always been there for me and I don't deserve you. It's my turn now. I know you are going to outlive me by an amount of time I can't even begin to imagine, and I'm not going to ask you to love me forever; but, I want to love you for my forever and I want you to be with me for my forever. Jack, marry me. Marry me and be with me for however long we have- if its a month, a year or a century. I want to be there for you like you've been there for me for as long as I can." Ianto pulled the small box from his pocket and opened it for Jack. "It was my father's wedding band. My parents were married when they were teenagers, and Tad never took his ring off until the day he died. This ring holds fifty years of happy memories. I want us to add more." Ianto placed the ring in Jack's hand and closed his fist around it. "That's what I had to say. I can wait for your answer forever, but that's the one question I have for you- that I want just a simple answer to." Ianto stepped back and gave him a small smile before sinking into that infinite patience he seemed to possess.
Jack was working hard just to breathe. He could hear his heart pumping, feel his lungs moving in and out; but all of his senses seemed to be busy focusing on the small gold band resting in the palm of this closed fist. His stomach was doing flips (but he knew it was getting help at the moment) and he was actually breaking out in a sweat. For the first time in his very, very long life; Jack Harkness was overcome and speechless. He looked at Ianto, beautiful Ianto with his endless patience and quiet strength, who had all but given Jack his heart on a silver platter. Ianto was the first person ever to really understand Jack- he understood the pain that Jack suffered because he couldn't give anyone forever- and he still wanted to give Jack all that he could offer. Jack knew if he was a better man that he'd say no. He should say no and free Ianto from the pain of growing old while Jack remained the same, free him before bitterness could colour love. But Jack wasn't a better man, just a man who was in love- in love enough to have a child thirty centuries before men should be able to do so, because he wanted to share this with Ianto. Jack closed his eyes for a moment and took a very deep breath. He opened his eyes slowly, so that the only thing he saw was Ianto standing in front of him, and he knew, deep down, that this is all he wants to see when he opens his eyes for as long as he can. Jack smiled at Ianto, who returned a smile just as affectionate, leaned forward, placed his lips so they were just touching and whispered.
It was early in the morning, the sun just starting to rise, before they made their way back to the flat. Jack carrying one box while Ianto carried the other. After entering the flat and putting the boxes in the kitchen, they made their way back to the bedroom, where they planned to celebrate their engagement when they saw the note tacked to the door.
"For your future reference. I hate bunnies and I hate pink. B"
The story continues in