Last updated: 09/07/11
アキバ "Akiba"
Type: Normal
Nature: Quirky
Highly Curious
Level: 84
Ability: Trace
Obtained: 15/12/10
Conversion [nrm]
Conversion 2 [nrm]
Tackle [nrm]
Tri-Attack [nrm]
Hyper Beam [nrm]
Flash [nrm]
Psybeam [psy]
Agility [psy]
Magic Coat [psy]
Magnet Rise [elc]
Discharge [elc]
Zap Cannon [elc]
Thunderbolt [elc]
Sharpen [nrm]
Recycle [nrm]
Recover [nrm]
Lock-On [nrm]
Signal Beam [bug]
Info: Akiba is a very odd pokemon. It moves at odd angles, isn't able to stay still for very long, enjoys snooping in Watanuki's business and absolutely adores to fiddle with his pokegear. Despite this, the pair tend to get along, as Akiba isn't very demanding or particularly mischievous. Watanuki chose not to evolve it past its second stage, because he didn't trust the item called 'Dubious Disc'.
Ninetales ♀
ハナビ "Hanabi"
Type: Fire
Nature: Sassy
Very Finicky
Level: 68
Ability: Flash Fire
Obtained: 24/02/11
Ember [fire]
Fire Spin [fire]
Flame Burst [fire]
Flamethrower [fire]
Inferno [fire]
Fire Blast [fire]
Sunny Day [fire]
Tail Whip [nrm]
Roar [nrm]
Quick Attack [nrm]
Safeguard [nrm]
Captivate [nrm]
Will-o-Wisp [fire]
Imprison [psy]
Extrasensory [psy]
Confuse Ray [gst]
Grudge [gst]
Info: A fiery little diva who is every bit aware of how cute she is and how much Watanuki spoils her. She's the taste tester for most of Watanuki's recipes, and gets fed special homemade food that he will gladly change depending on her tastes that evening.
Milotic ♀
フチ "Fuchi"
Type: Water
Nature: Bashful
Quick to Flee
Level: 61
Ability: Marvel Scale
Obtained: 11/03/11
Water Gun [wtr]
Water Sport [wtr]
Water Pulse [wtr]
Hydro Pump [wtr]
Aqua Ring [wtr]
Attract [nrm]
Captivate [nrm]
Refresh [nrm]
Recover [nrm]
Safeguard [nrm]
Tackle [nrm]
Wrap [nrm]
Rain Dance [wtr]
Twister [drg]
Info: Recieved as an egg from Cecil. Unexpectedly ugly (he was expecting a Milotic, because Wata's alert that way), he named her Doumeki. Now that she's evolved he's changed her name to something more appropriate, and lets her out more often. She's proven to be somewhat reserved but diligent, willing to do battle on the long roads to keep her trainer safe.
Froslass ♀
フブキ "Fubuki"
Type: Ice
Nature: Timid
Often Scatters Things
Level: 69
Ability: Ice Body
Obtained: 28/04/11
Powder Snow [ice]
Avalanche [ice]
Icy Wind [ice]
Ice Shard [ice]
Hail [ice]
Blizzard [ice]
Leer [nrm]
Double Team [nrm]
Captivate [nrm]
Wake-up Slap [fgt]
Toxic [psn]
Bite [drk]
Destiny Bond [gst]
Astonish [gst]
Confuse Ray [gst]
Ominous Wind [gst]
Info: Watanuki's Easter present. A shy little thing, Fubuki doesn't like socializing with people or other pokemon. She does enjoy accompanying Watanuki to work, though, because he lets her play in the refrigerated area.
Dragonite ♂
スズ "Suzu"
Type: Dragon
Nature: Mild
Highly Persistent
Level: 100
Ability: Inner Focus
Obtained: 04 May 2011
[ caught 28/2/11 by Doumeki ]
Thunder Wave [elc]
Thunderpunch [elc]
Fire Punch [fir]
Agility [psy]
Aqua Tail [wtr]
Wrap [nrm]
Leer [nrm]
Slam [nrm]
Safeguard [nrm]
Hyper Beam [nrm]
Roost [fly]
Hurricane [fly]
Wing Attack [fly]
Twister [drg]
Outrage [drg]
Dragon Rage [drg]
Dragon Tail [drg]
Dragon Rush [drg]
Dragon Dance [drg]
Info: Inherited from Doumeki. A sweet, cuddly pokemon, Suzu loves to be held and petted, and expresses his happiness by wrapping up Watanuki in a 'hug'. He seems to have transferred his protectiveness of Doumeki onto Watanuki, which essentially makes him a decent replacement for his old trainer.
Sableye ♀
ヒスイ "Hisui"
Type: Dark/Ghost
Nature: Naughty
Thoroughly cunning
Level: 81
Ability: Keen Eye
Obtained: 3 Jan 2011
Scratch [nrm]
Foresight [nrm]
Leer [nrm]
Fury Swipes [nrm]
Fake Out [nrm]
Mean Look [nrm]
Night Shade [gst]
Astonish [gst]
Shadow Sneak [gst]
Shadow Claw [gst]
Shadow Ball [gst]
Zen Heabutt [psy]
Knock Off [drk]
Faint Attack [drk]
Punishment [drk]
Foul Play [drk]
Detect [fgt]
Info: Watanuki's first Christmas present. Somewhere, someone is laughing at him, because this little one not only loves to bite, she also loves to cause trouble and is very, very smart. She will refuse anything Watanuki cooks for her and instead prefers to eat rocks. She enjoys stealing the PC and filming her poor trainer's failings.
カワリ "Kawari"
Type: Normal
Nature: Docile
Likes to relax
Level: 10
Ability: Limber
Obtained: 29 Jan 2011
Transform [nrm]
Info: Watanuki's Ditto, kept mainly for breeding purposes. Kawari's sociable and friendly, but Watanuki can't help but find it a bit creepy, so he keeps it in its ball most of time, poor thing. After an incident with Akiba and an accidental clutch of eight, the ditto is kept mostly in the PC.
Rotom ♂
トウロウ "Tōrō"
Type: Ghost/Electric
Nature: Hasty
Likes to Relax
Level: 65
Ability: Levitate
Obtained: 16 Mar 2011
Trick [psy]
Uproar [nrm]
Double Team [nrm]
Substitute [nrm]
Thunder Wave [elc]
Thundershock [elc]
Shock Wave [elc]
Electro Ball [elc]
Charge [elc]
Discharge [elc]
Astonish [gst]
Confuse Ray [gst]
Ominous Wind [gst]
Hex [gst]
Info: Recieved from Niou in exchange for a Porygon egg. Part of a set with Andon and Chouchin, he generally serves as the mediator when the other two don't get along. His ability to possess kitchen appliances can sometimes be helpful, but after a prank gone awry, he's being kept in the PC for a time-out along with the other ghosts.
Mismagius ♀
アンドン "Andon"
Type: Ghost
Nature: Bold
Somewhat Stubborn
Level: 61
Ability: Levitate
Obtained: 16 Mar 2011
Growl [nrm]
Mean Look [nrm]
Pain Split [nrm]
Perish Song [nrm]
Power Gem [grd]
Psywave [psy]
Psybeam [psy]
Confuse Ray [gst]
Shadow Ball [gst]
Astonish [gst]
Spite [gst]
Hex [gst]
Grudge [gst]
Payback [drk]
Info: Recieved as an egg from Rin in exchange for a Porygon egg. Andon serves as the 'brains' behind the ghost trio, she likes to be in charge. She doesn't take orders well, but can be swayed over to someone's point of view with smooth words. In the PC for a time-out.
Gengar ♂
チョウチン "Chōchin"
Type: Ghost/Poison
Nature: Lax
Loves to eat
Level: 61
Ability: Levitate
Obtained: 16 Mar 2011
Curse [gst]
Lick [gst]
Spite [gst]
Hex [gst]
Destiny Bond [gst]
Hypnosis [psy]
Dream Eater [psy]
Mean Look [nrm]
Sucker Punch [drk]
Dark Pulse [drk]
Payback [drk]
Night Shade [gst]
Nightmare [gst]
Confuse Ray [gst]
Shadow Punch [gst]
Shadow Ball [gst]
Info: Recieved as an egg from Fuji in exchange for the birthday cake Watanuki made him. Andon's second-in command, but he and Toro tend to jockey for the place. He's the 'brawns' of the ghosts. In the PC for a time-out.
Gabite ♀
シュン "Shun"
Type: Dragon/Ground
Nature: Sassy
Loves to Eat
Level: 77
Ability: Sand Veil
Obtained: 04 May 2011
[ hatched 11/3/11 by Doumeki ]
Sand-Attack [grd]
Sand Tomb [grd]
Sandstorm [rck]
Dig [grd]
Tackle [nrm]
Take Down [nrm]
Slash [nrm]
Dragon Rage [drg]
Dual Chop [drg]
Dragon Claw [drg]
Dragon Rush [drg]
Info: Inherited from Doumeki. Shun is generally nice, unless she works up an appetite, which can make her cranky. She loves nothing more than to eat, eat, eat, which means headaches for Watanuki. She was so cute as a Gible, though, he'll forgive her just about anything. Kidnapped by Rockets during the initial train ride to Saffron.