Insta! Fic rec (it's one of the best stories I've read you guys) and Teh Loveless,

Jan 24, 2010 10:47

Hello hello.

I've been lj adjacent of late, which is sad because I've barely had enough time to look through everything. I can barely believe it's a week to go. I don't know what you guys are doing, but the night it airs I'm going underground until some kind soul puts the episode up on youtube for us foreigners. Then I'm watching it with two good mates who will laugh at me while I flail about like a loon.


Ok, I don't do this often, but there's one fic out there you all MUST READ. This author doesn't get much attention, but this story, well...might just be the best thing I've read in fandom. It's certainly up there in my top five stories I've read.

The story is called Entre Les Overdoses d'Amour (Between Overdoses of Love) by     eskimo_jo . She's well known for her stellar mixtapes but her fics have gone largely unnoticed. This is a shame because they are as good as the best fics in this fandom are.

Between Overdoses of Love is the final part of a trilogy and works best being read as such. However it can stand alone and if you only have time to read one of her stories, this is the one you should read. The prose is professional quality standard, and she effortlessly shifts the mood  from melancholy, hopelessness and optimism as the story progresses . It features Cook, Naomi, Emily and Katie and each character's voice is so vivid I got completely lost in the text (I snorted every time Katie called Naomi a minger). Katie and Naomi are particularly well realised and she takes a rather hard (but fair- Emily's section is equal parts sad and lovely-) view of the Naomi/Emily relationship.

There's one scene involving Cook and Katie in a graveyard which will stay with me long after this fandom is dead and buried. The best stories always have a moment which lingers- Emily and Naomi at the Battlesea station in Only time to lose the Katie/Effy tesco scene in Bedlam and the whole sodding first chapter of So-Verse.  This story belongs in this company. It's excellent. GO READ IT NOW and show her some love because not that many comments have been left.

In other news:


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A few brief comments-

I like the Loveless's bed hair. And her adorable cotton pajamas . I'd hit it.

Yay for Naomi not being a "happy person". I didn't want the show to remove her personality now she's getting laid on a regular basis.

Naomi's episode hasn't been filmed yet- which makes me think I know which episode it is. Hmmmmm.
LOL at Lily wanting to play someone crazy. Not much of a stretch there, Loveless.

I would watch a Naomi/Emily/Katie spin off for SURE (with speacial guest stars JJ, Effy and Panda). I'm going to be so bummed out when this gen is finished.

And this is just for kicks- I saw Avatar yesterday and thought it sucked. There's nothing there except impressive graphics. The story is cliche and REALLY unsubtle. And Sam Worthington can't act. I fell asleep at one point. Yeah. I want my 20 bucks back.

Oh, and people getting tickled pink at Prince William's Aussie visit? Pathetic. When will we stop sucking at the English teet and become a republic already. When will the Victorian parliament stop making politicians swear an oath to the queen. I quite like England and appreciate what they've given us, but ffs, Australia was convict dumping point central for seventy years! Time to move on/my country sometimes sucks.

australia needs to grow up already, skins ftw, fic rec, teh loveless

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