Countdown to Christmas

Nov 21, 2009 10:17

Hello there, wonderful people!

You may call me Didu. I'm 22, Finnish art student, as anglophile as ever and even geekier than last year. It's my fourth year in here, good to see the comm going strong and you all being awesome!
And here's my list:

1. Dr. Horrible's Sing-along-blog DVD

2. Geek Monthly! I love this mag ("The magazine that's more adorable than a Wes Anderson film!" And I love Mr. Anderson's work, so that's saying a lot.) but cannot get it in here anymore. I own issues 3, 4 , Dec 2007, Jan 2008, Feb 2008 (couldn't find the issue number on those), ETA September 2008, thanks to gocart_romance and 24-26, but I'd love to expand my collection.

3. SFX Battlestar Galactica special. If you can get me one with all the freebies I will have your internet cylon-human hybrid babies be eternally grateful.

4.BSG wall calendar 2010

Free and easy wishes
5. Save the world! Recycle, switch off lights and appliances you don't need, try dumpster diving (it's fun!), choose the vegetarian option, support organic/fair trade/local products, don't spend hours in the shower... Do something green and tell me about it. Hearing people care about our planet gives me hope and makes me happy.

6. Read Hijinks Ensue! It's still my favourite webcomic, and it deserves more love. If you are even a bit geeky, love your Whedon/Trek/bacon/other awesome things, give it a try!

Britain is great-wishes
7. UK candy. My favourites are Kendall Mint Cakes, Yorkie Bars (but not ones with peanut butter), Polo mints and Twirlies, but feel free to fix me up with something new! (I'm not allergic to anything but don't like nuts.)

8. Postcards from the UK or of owls.

9. Nottingham. Not the whole town (it wouldn't fit in my room) obviously, but I plan to study in there (Nottingham Trent University, to be exact) in the future. Any "insider information", recommendations, photos or postcards, even just quick visit experiences would be lovely!

E-mail me for address and such: maitomies_d AT yahoo DOT com

I guess that was all. Remember to be kind to others and thank those who have granted your wishes! Especially for us not living in the States but sending stuff there knowing the gift has arrived means a lot.

ETA: Whoops, forgot to put the link to wish #6!

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