Holiday Wishes 2015...It's Coming!

Nov 12, 2015 14:10

That's right, it's that time of year again!

The official opening date of the
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!mod post, !reminders

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Comments 18

glowing_dragon November 12 2015, 21:11:16 UTC
Yay! I was just thinking about this the other day!


yvonnereid November 12 2015, 21:27:36 UTC


dakotawitch November 13 2015, 03:36:07 UTC
Yay!!!!!! I didn't get to play last year, and my holidays were just a little less bright. Thank you to all the mods and admins who keep this list going year after year.


browngirl November 13 2015, 06:58:06 UTC
HOOORAYYYYY! Thank you, again and always!


excitement & happiness kirei_xo_ai November 13 2015, 16:10:02 UTC
I am really excited, I can't wait! Holiday_wishes has been a holiday tradition for me since 2008 and even though I'm not rich I do my best to send holiday love to everyone ~ for it brings smile & full of cheers when I received holiday love as well. Have a great day everyone!


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