Such a great idea :) !

Nov 04, 2006 02:44

Hi everyone, and thanks to the mods for organizing this!
It's already snowing here in Vienna and this puts me into the right mood for........

My Wishlist!

1.) I've moved into a new house with my sister, and there are naked walls staring at us everywhere. My biggest wish would be something to hang on my walls! Preferably self-made, hand-painted or -photographed or something you've found at the bottom of a box in a (cheap) antiques shop.

2.) Random stuff that (for you) characterizes the place where you live. Just put it into an envelope and send it over.

3.) This could be included in 1.), but anyways: I love Harry Potter, especially pretty fanart. If you are a fanartist, it would be the coolest thing to get a nice little drawing from you!

2.) Letters or Postcards from far away! I live in Austria, so almost everything is far away from me :). AND you'll get something back from far away (= me)!

5.) Incense and other stuff that smells good.

6.) Really soft, snuggly, warm socks. I love socks.

I guess that's it (I don't want to sound to greedy).
Have a nice day!

Edit: I completely forgot my email address.
It's Jorinde(at) !
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