yet another survey...

Sep 27, 2004 22:26

fill it out and ill reply to ur comment and see if i agree with ur answers...bwahaha ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

bleh anonymous September 28 2004, 02:56:01 UTC
How long have we known each other? Like...6 months...? I don't know, Elina talked about you long before then, though. feel special ( ... )


its_only_betty September 28 2004, 22:07:27 UTC
How long have we known each other? maybe a year ( ... )


its nay nay anonymous September 28 2004, 22:42:49 UTC
How long have we known each other? a little over a yr
Would you consider us close? yea
Have you ever liked me? yea
Not even a little?:-( lol yes
Have I ever liked you? i should hope so...we went out
Have you ever tried to make me jealous? no
Did it work? no
Have I ever tried to make u jealous? idk...have u?!
Did it work? idk did it?!?
Have we ever ‘gone out’? yes
If not…could u ever see us ‘going out’? we did
Do you feel like you can trust me with anything? almost anything
Have you ever told me something that u didn’t mean? yes
If u did…would you tell me now? alredy did
Nah I didn’t think haha i alredy did!!
Are there any songs that remind you of me? hmmm....not rlly..well maybe one
If so…what song (s)? elmos world theme song
Have you ever had a dream with me in it? um...maybe
Do you think ive ever had a dream with u in it? yes
Have we ever been so pissed at each other that we stopped talking? i think...
Was it ur fault? (probly) lol probably
Is this survey over? yes yay!!!!!


anonymous September 29 2004, 03:03:21 UTC
How long have we known each other? --- for a while baby
Would you consider us close? ---- yea
Have you ever liked me? ---- i do
Not even a little?:-( lol --- alot
Have I ever liked you? --- i wish you dd
Have you ever tried to make me jealous? ---- why would I do something like that to a guy like you
Did it work?----no
Have I ever tried to make u jealous?---you always do
Did it work?---yes
Have we ever ‘gone out’?----we should
If not…could u ever see us ‘going out’?----yes
Do you feel like you can trust me with anything?----anything
Have you ever told me something that u didn’t mean? ---i dont think so
If u did…would you tell me now? --- yea
Nah I didn’t think
Are there any songs that remind you of me?----alot
If so…what song (s)? -----i cant name them all
Have you ever had a dream with me in it? ----- yes alot
Do you think ive ever had a dream with u in it? ---- i hope so
Have we ever been so pissed at each other that we stopped talking?--yes
Was it ur fault? (probly) lol---your right, probably
Is this survey over? yes


?? holla_itz_kyle October 1 2004, 02:40:45 UTC
who r ya?


orangedlite317 October 2 2004, 00:16:03 UTC
How long have we known each other? 3.15 years ( ... )


holla_itz_kyle October 2 2004, 00:27:29 UTC
1. what day did you ask me out? feb 6
2. whats my favorite color? orange
3. how long have you been secretly in love with me? not long enough
4. what was the first book i read in the beginning of 2nd grade?all the places you will go
5. what is my favorite tree? pubertree
6. what is my favorite starburst ORIGINAL flavor? pink
7. what is CURRENTLY my favorite band? tbs
8. what day was i potty trained?..dont think u r yet
9. do i like swedish fish (candy)? no?
10. if so, what is my favorite flavor? gurblablue
11. what shampoo do i use? pantene pro v shampoo
12. conditioner? herbal essence conditioner
13. who do i consider to be grody (fill in the blank, and answer the question)? not showering
14. what did i wear to school today? grey shirt..n no pants lol iono the pants
15. annoyed yet? nah
16. didnt think so...
17. have i ever been in gymnastics classes? no
18. if so, how many years? 7
19. what was the name of the first horse i rode? david when u were suducing him roflmao
20. whats my favorite hobby? guitar?
21.. chilllll im done. ok


orangedlite317 October 2 2004, 00:40:40 UTC
gymnastics.. yes, 5 years..
sweedish fish.. candy.. yes.. red.
grey shirt.. jeans. comment to the horse..
i like food more than guitar..


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