Title: Unfounded Fears
Genre: Family, hurt/comfort
Word Count: ~4,000
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Pairings: Eliot/Nate friendship
Warnings: None
Summary: Tag to The Jail House Job. Nate realizes what he did was wrong in lying to the team. Eliot's there to tell him everything will be ok. This fic fulfills the
hc_bingo prompt toothache. Written for
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Comments 5
Thanks for reading and reviewing as always! Also, completely unrelated, but after reading about the Leverageland comm on your LJ, I broke down and joined. You're looking at the newest member of Team Thief! What team are you on? Regardless of what it is, I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next round's challenges!
If you don't mind, I just wanted to point out a couple of small errors. You have 'tenant' when it should be 'tenet', and 'conscious' when it should be 'conscience'.
As for my errors, thank you for pointing them out! This was a very quick fic (out in a few hours, a quick turn around from my speedy beta, and then posting) so I'm not surprised that a few errors slipped through. I count on close readers with excellent eyes to catch my remaining mistakes, so thanks for that!
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