Title: Breaking Darkness; Foreshadowing Light
Hollow_StrifeBeta Credit:
torncorpseCharacters: Riku and Sora
Word Count: 9,370
Rating: NC_17
Summary: There were so many things Sora wanted to ask, so many thing Sora wanted to know. Why did you leave me? Why don't you, or more so why can't you love me? These words, these answers, meant more to him then anything
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Comments 15
It was well written hunny, nice work. I liked how dark it was, and emotional. Good job.
You know I loved how twisted it got, and just where it went. I did enjoy it, even if it meant no sleep for me. lol.
I did like how it sort of followed on, happily for now, is much better than happily ever after in my opinion. ^_^;
I know, the things I put you through in the name of fiction.....
I'm thinking of doing another spin off, another one that could stand alone but it also a conintuation, but I'm not sure if that would be just entirely taking everything to far or not, you know what I mean?
You know I love you right?
Yes. The things I do for you.
But I really don't mind too much.
Well, as you know, spin off's are rather popular. I think the fact that it's not a WIP and that each chapter shall we say, stands on its own rather well.
So long as it's constructed in a sensible manner and doesn't deviate too much, things'll be fine. If you want to write another one, write another one.
maybe you could try to get riku on the bottom this time...
This was so freaking /awesome/ that I can barely put it into words, but I will totally try. xD The pron was hot, but I think my favorite bits were actually before it. I loooved that Sora was so obsessed with Riku - mwhaha, usually it's the other way around. >D And of course, the whole light/dark thing totally helped, mwhahaha. And Riku's whole reluctance to have him be a part of his daaaaarkness seemed very IC to me. *nodnod* BUT THE FATES DEMAND YOU TWO TO DO SOME SEXING. OH YES. *ahem*
You're getting awesome at writing pron. I'm jealous. xDD
Awesome fic, and it was definitely worth the wait for me to read kills stepsiblings!
STEP 2: ....
Oh yes. xD
Yeah that was probably my favorite part about writing it. The whole "No I don't want you to be a part of my darkness but I love you and want to smex the ever loving tar out of you!"
Well Sora reminds me of the type that could go totally awkward creepy stalker guy on Riku instead of it being the other way around. I just can. Because Sora is totally that way.
I am not awesome. I like my smut sucks, but thank you sweetie! And I'm sure your be amazing at it!
I love you three steps program even if number two is missing.
*Glomps you in the biggest most glompest glomp ever*
Well, i was searching for some FF or KH fanfictions when i came across your name and stumbled into your journal. ^_^ actually, i'm an instant fan, really you're a wonderful writer! I just wanted to read the rest of them and since im so bad with names, i was afraid id forget if i didn't ask you! You seem like a very interesting person though, i hope you don't mind me adding you? o.o??
im sorry, again!
(((sorry i posted here but i couldn't message you back))
By the way, I loved this!
Really? Well thank you very much sweetie. I don't see myself as being that good but I'm glad that you liked and enjoyed it. All of the stories are public, as you can probably tell, but I'm horrible at actually posting them to any type of community in a timly manner, so I always tell people to friend me.
Of course not! I love having new friends, but I swear I'm not that interesting. I just tend to ramble a lot!
I added you back sweetie! :)
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