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Te Ata Stonefeather 1/? morningfeather September 29 2011, 05:22:00 UTC
Name: Wolf
Age: 26
Journal: wolflupin
Contact: AIM @ Gosperru2

1. Character's Name: Te Ata Stonefeather

2. Age: 24

3. Background: Te Ata was born to a rather traditional Native American couple, both of whom worked long hours to make sure they could provide the best they could for their only child. This resulted in Te Ata spending a lot of time alone by herself as a child, but she had no ill feelings towards her parents, no matter how much she wanted them to be home. She spent most of her time alone dreaming of flying. She wanted to a pilot when she grew up, so she made sure to keep her grades up as much as she possibly could ( ... )


Te Ata Stonefeather 2/4 morningfeather September 29 2011, 05:23:53 UTC
It was long past sundown when Te Ata finally made it to the village, only to find two middle-aged women and an elderly women waiting for her at the edge of the cliff. The women helped support her into the village and into a large lodge before sitting her down at a table with food and water. The elderly woman sat across from her and began to speak to Te Ata, who was rather relieved her parents had insisted she learn their native language. Te Ata listened closely as the old woman introduced herself as Sah-cooh, the village medicine woman and explained that she would help Te Ata learn how to control her shifting, along with how to live as the villagers did. Sah-cooh told her that Te Ata could choose to leave the village once Sah-cooh decided her training was finished, or she could stay to help teach the future generations of shifters. Te Ata bowed her head in deference to Sah-cooh, who nodded in return and left, giving the other two women instructions to bathe and clothe Te Ata before she slept ( ... )


Te Ata Stonefeather 3/4 morningfeather September 29 2011, 05:25:03 UTC
4. Personality: Te Ata is a very solitary, serious person, prefering not to speak unless she has to. As a delegate for her tribe of shifters, Te Ata has learned to be diplomatic and can usually defuse tense situations, though sometimes she lets her mouth run without thinking about what she's saying. She is confident enough to say and do whatever she wants without worrying overly much about what people think about her. Te Ata doesn't smile or laugh a lot, and often frowns, sometimes unconsciously. Due to the nature of the shifter culture, Te Ata is very secretive about her life past the age of seventeen. It was forbidden for shifters to talk about themselves to outsiders, so she will either try to steer the question away from that subject or ignore any questions outright ( ... )


Te Ata Stonefeather 4/4 morningfeather September 29 2011, 05:26:57 UTC
11. Writing sample - Third Person Prose:

This...could not be happening.

Te Ata blinked hard, trying to reconcile the fact that she had just turned into a bird. Shaking so hard she could barely stand, Te Ata gathered up her scattered clothes that had fallen off the instant she had changed and re-dressed before collapsing against the base of the tree she had been previously sitting in. The bark bit into her skin as she continued to shake, mind racing desperately to try and figure out what the hell had just happened.

How did she turn into a bird? How was that even possible? People didn't just change into things at random. It was completely and utterly scientifically impossible. If it were possible, everybody would know about it and scientists would have done research on how it was done and there was absolutely, no way no how, a way to turn into an animal ( ... )


ACCEPTED lord_admin October 2 2011, 19:20:18 UTC
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