SB3 Bloody Angel Volume 4 Chapter 12 Translation

Aug 17, 2013 17:56

So after taking a short break from translating to catch up on real life and rest, we begin the descent into chaos that is Volume 4.

Sengoku BASARA 3 Bloody Angel is written and drawn by Ryu Itō with the supervision and cooperation of CAPCOM.

KAKUNOSHIN: *screams*


SOLDIER: Th…this is…
The power inherited by the Devil King's line…!
KAKUNOSHIN: *ugh*…*agh*
IEYASU: Oichi-dono! It was wrong of us to attack you…!
So please understand! We’re not your enemies!

IEYASU: Let go of Ukyō-dono…
OICHI: It would be best…

OICHI: If bad people all just disappeared.

IEYASU: Ukyō…dono…
Why did this happen…?

IEYASU: Oichi-dono…could it be…
That you can’t remember anything?!

IEYASU: Are you guys ready…?
We’ll attack Oda Nobunaga from here!
NARRATOR: As a boy, Ieyasu had been waiting with bated breath for a chance to seize the country out from under Oda’s nose.
But when the Tokugawa Army finally made their move…

NAGAMASA: BROTHER! I have a bone to pick with you!
OICHI’S HUSBANDNAGAMASA: Show yourself right away!
IEYASU: Th…that’s ‘Azai Nagamasa’!
SOLDIER: Ieyasu-sama, Azai is married to the Devil King’s sister, ‘Oichi’, so surely there’s no reason to form an alliance…

IEYASU: What in the world is he…?
OICHI: *panting*
NAGAMASA: ICHI…?! I thought I told you not to follow me!
OICHI: Nagamasa-sama…

OICHI: There might still be time…
Don’t oppose my lord brother…!
NOBUNAGA: Surely it’s a mere rumour.
Nagamasa…have you turned your back on us…?

OICHI: Lord brother…forgive Nagamasa-sama…
Why did you attack my sworn allies, the Asakura Clan?!

NAGAMASA: Is this also for the sake of your quest to hold absolute power?!
Even if you are my wife Ichi’s elder brother, I absolutely cannot forgive you!
I hereby abrogate the alliance with Oda!
NOBUNAGA: Nagamasa…

NOBUNAGA: You haven’t realised?
That you were deceived by the one closest to you.
NAGAMASA: …What do you mean by that…?
OICHI: I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry…

OICHI: It’s all…Ichi’s fault…
I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry…
NOBUNAGA: Your marriage was in preparation for the attack on Asakura…
Ichi. We have a final role for you to play.
Kill Nagamasa.

OICHI: I cannot…
Lord brother…Ichi will do anything…
So please just let Nagamasa-sama…

NOBUNAGA: A woman who can't fulfil her role…
Is no sister of ours.


NAGAMASA: *gasping*
Even though Ichi deceived you…

OICHI: Why are you smiling…?

NOBUNAGA: Foolish little sister, to fall in love with him…
The one who killed Nagamasa was you…Ichi...
SOLDIER: Oda’s back is turned…!

SOLDIER: The riflemen have also been dispatched.
The time to act is now!
OICHI: …I know you’ve been hiding over there for some time.

OICHI: My lord brother also noticed you.
No one can stop him.

I don’t…want anyone else to die…
IEYASU: Back then, I did nothing but watch in fear…
And you saved me…

IEYASU: Even though you lost the man you loved and surrendered to your own misery…
You protected a complete stranger…!
You’re not the kind of person who wants to hurt others, right…?!
Please come to your senses, Oichi-dono!

OICHI: Kill everybody.
That’s what the Grim Reaper said…
IEYASU: Oichi…dono…!

IEYASU: That’s not the Grim Reaper…
What you're hearing is the voice of your beloved.
He’s definitely there by your side.


OICHI: I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand…!
SOLDIER: She’s rampaging against the torches…?!

IEYASU: Stop it…


IEYASU: *panting*

IEYASU: I swore that I would never kill again, and cast aside my weapon.
These hands don’t exist to destroy.
They exist to hold someone.

OICHI: I have a feeling…
That in the past…
Someone held my hand like this.

OICHI: I can’t remember…

SOLDIER: Ieyasu-sama…
IEYASU: Call the others and tend to Ukyō-dono’s wounds immediately…
I’ll take care of Oichi-dono…

BOTH: *zzz*
HIDEAKI: That radish looks delicious…
Sleepy, sleepy.

YOSHITSUGU: Oda’s younger sister is alive, you say?
MOTONARI: It seems even you are surprised.
I received intelligence that she had been wandering alone, until Tokugawa took her into his custody.

MOTONARI: If Oda’s remnants learn of that woman’s survival, they will immediately gather to Tokugawa.
They are the army who once subjugated this Land of the Rising Sun…I’m not sure of their numbers, but they probably exceed 20,000.
YOSHITSUGU: Tokugawa’s military force consists of the Saika Faction, the Ukyō Army, and five other united armies besides. Altogether they number over 100,000 men.
On Ishida's side, we have the Mōri Army, the Kobayakawa Army, the Hōjō Army and the Kuroda Army, altogether no more than 70,000 men.
If Tokugawa assimilates Oda’s remnants, we’ll be at an overwhelming disadvantage…

YOSHITSUGU: We must win Chōsokabe over at all costs.
At all costs.
MOTONARI: …hmph. Don’t forget that I already made my move.
The matter concerning Chōsokabe…
Has been taken care of.

MOTONARI: You did well...
Crushing Shikoku...
Kuroda Kanbē.

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading~

basara, translations, sengoku basara 3, sengoku basara, manga, bloody angel

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