The Dullest Crayon May Be The Brightest

Sep 13, 2006 07:01

Nevermind the title.. I couldnt think of anything better.. Anyway, so I find myself in a world of trouble, maybe, for something I had no control over, but I still feel a sense of fear... I just dont want anything horrible to happen, out of misjudgement, or even denial. By now, no one reading this will have a single clue what I am talking about. Its ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

sorry, i went burnt sienna and never went back. HAH. die_die_darling September 15 2006, 16:04:32 UTC
john, wow. it's been a really long time since i've even thrown a 'how's it goin?' at you, and for that i am truly sorry. i wish i had kept up with you, even though we were never really too close. lately, a lot of things have come up that made me wish that i had stayed at least remotely close to old friends. through some of my troubled times, i always felt kind of comfortable going to you for advice, and i actually used it, which was new for me. you told me one time, that it was always nice to have at least one person that understands. for those few times that i just couldn't hold it in anymore, that person was you, and i never really told you how much i appreciated it. i'm glad that everything has worked out for you, because i never truly witnessed you at your worst times, but from the things you would write sometimes, i could tell you were down. i'm glad that you have someone you love, and you still believe in God's love, and that your life turned out how you wanted it to. it gives me a little hope, that maybe that'll be me one day. ( ... )


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