Two years ago I started working at gardencenter Bos. Half a year later they lengthened my contract for 1 and a half more years. Or so I thought... Just now my boss called me on the phone saying i've "quit" half a year too early. o_O
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Dude... what an idiot. Keep on looking for something girl! Hopefully you find something nice and then you might just be able to give both your ex-boss and the CWI the finger... :/
If you can't find your copy of the contracts you will have to go to your (former) boss and ask to see his copies. And run off a new copy for you, he must have a copier or a fax machine with which you can do that. Then you can read them at your leisure to see what they say exactly
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Als jij gewoon bent vertrokken bij je baas op wat je dacht dat je laatste dag was, en er zijn verder geen administratieve handelingen verricht, dan ben je feitelijk nog gewoon in dienst bij dat bedrijf en moet je er weer gaan werken als je contract nog loopt. Als je baas toch wil dat je weg blijft moet hij jou ontslaan en dit melden bij de instanties. Dan krijg jij gewoon je werkloosheidsuitkering. Als jij alleen maar bent weg gebleven en er zijn verder geen formulieren ingevuld dan werk je er gewoon nog en is er in feite niets aan de hand. Het hangt er maar vanaf wat je baas allemaal aan formulieren heeft ingevuld al dan niet, na je vertrek
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Just thought of something else. In some states here in the US if you quit a job for reasons of health (parrot disease, your tulip bulb allergy, etc.) you are still entitled to unemployment pay even if you quit rather than got fired. Of course other states will tell you to go suck a lemon, but it is still worth checking out with the Holland CWI.
Yes, but officially she didn't quit because of that. Because if she did, then it would cost the company would have more. Or at least I think that's how it is. Bureaucratic rules are confusing.
this is totaly idiocy. (I know I spelled that wrong.)
It really doesn't make sense why you would have two "hlaf year contracts and then one-and-a-half-year contract." Who the hell does that to people?
(Obviously I know gardencenter bros does but this is being mad for you.... >:p)
I really hope you get things worked out, keep looking. Look online for something that might help you... I have no idea where you could begin but this is all I can suggest right now.
Comments 13
Keep on looking for something girl! Hopefully you find something nice and then you might just be able to give both your ex-boss and the CWI the finger... :/
Or at least I think that's how it is. Bureaucratic rules are confusing.
It really doesn't make sense why you would have two "hlaf year contracts and then one-and-a-half-year contract." Who the hell does that to people?
(Obviously I know gardencenter bros does but this is being mad for you.... >:p)
I really hope you get things worked out, keep looking. Look online for something that might help you... I have no idea where you could begin but this is all I can suggest right now.
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