So today I spilled the proverbial beans to my mother, so I guess I ought to spill them to the rest of you guys... and the internet stalkers too, why not. Hmm. Let me preface the beans with a story, though. It's always nice to have a story before dinner. Or something.
Yesterday, while I was at work, a Melissa called for me. She apparently works for a company that I'd applied to, and wanted to schedule an interview. So mother takes down name and number and pesters me to call her the minute I walk in the door.
(....You should not pester me about anything the minute I get home from work. I bite.)
I don't want to call. But she stands in my room, in my personal space no less, and will not leave. I don't feel like explaining why I don't want to call (as you will see shortly), but I grab the phone and do it to get her off my freaking case. Insert sap and ‘please's and ‘I look forward to seeing you's and a scheduled interview for 2:00 today, keeping in mind I have to be at work at 4:00, and I don't even want to go to the interview period. Exit Mother, satisfied, stage left.
End story. Now onto the beans.
Fast forward. Today. I still don't want to attend the interview I didn't want to schedule. I call Melissa and offer some lame excuse and explain I'm going out of town tomorrow and won't be available ‘til next week. Shortly after two I receive a call from my grandfather looking for my mother. She's not home, I say, and hasn't been since I've been up. Not five minutes later I get a call from my brother, wanting to know where mother is. I still don't know, I say, and I'm sorry she's left you without a ride home from school again. Grandparents live not five minutes away from your school, though, so I'm sure they'll give you a ride. Not ten minutes later from that I get a call from mom. She wants to know why the hell I'm home and not at that interview that she practically arranged herself. I'm tired of arguing with her. “Because I don't intend to be here past the end of the year, so what point in getting a new job now?” I go on to explain that I have plans to move to Cincinnati to go to school. She gets pissed and says we'll talk about it when she gets home. That's fine, I say, but you'll not change my mind. It's my decision.
So she gets home and wants to know what the hell's going on. So I'll tell you guys, because by this point you probably don't know either. XD
This last May I graduated from the University of Louisville, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication. A worthwhile achievement, some might say. ....But not I. I should explain that when I was in high school, I didn't get to do a traditional college search. I really didn't get to do a college search at all. I didn't get to visit any school, I wasn't given money for applications (and I wasn't employed at that time and thus had no money of my own), and it was pretty much understood that I was going to school within the city. So that left only one choice: UofL. I didn't know what I wanted to study there, either. I didn't know what I liked or wanted and was utterly clueless, and got stuck with Communication because it was broad and I'm “good at it.” By the time I figured out what I want to do, teach Latin and/or Greek, I was less than a semester from finishing the degree I didn't want, so I completed it out of obligation.
UofL does not offer a Classics program, so returning to school here is not an option. And I think, even if it were, I would not take it. I'm very much tired of living at home. I'm tired of being coerced into doing things because it's expected of me, and tired of being dependent on my parents. I want to do something that I want to do, for once.
Cincinnati is only two hours away, however, and has a very good Classics program. Will has decided to come with me, so I won't be alone. The job market for IT seems to thrive much more strongly there, and he's been putting in resumes with companies already. We've been looking at apartments online. I'm not so much worried about what job I get. I'll have more expenses, I know, but I have money saved and I'll find -A- job, even if I have to work in retail or something until I can find something better.
I have a more positive attitude about my future now, though. I'm finally going to be doing something for me. I'll have the freedom that I've long since been denied. I'm still miserable when I'm at work here, but I don't expect it to last too much longer. In the interim, I need to save the money I'm earning.
Tomorrow morning we're leaving to go to St. Louis (again). Will has to go to court because the goofball let his license expire. (We've already agreed that I'll be in charge of all finance and business in the household, as his head is perpetually in the clouds). So while we're there we're going to finish seeing all the stuff we missed the first time (like Sarah, for example).
We're coming back Saturday night, and on Sunday is the employee picnic for my job. It's held at Huber's Farm in Indiana, this quaint little country place with excellent food and produce. I like the employee picnic because it doesn't actually require socializing with anyone from the company, and the food is good and free. Huber's Farm is a fun place to go anyway, so a day of freebies is fine by me. It's the least they could for us, considering what we have to put up with every day.
Peace, love, cookies, and I'll see you guys when I get back. Pray Will finds a job in Cinci very soon so we can get on the move. :)