Boys socks are sooo comfy, cosy, warm, thick, fluffy and just so much better than girls socks! If i had known this before, i would have been wearing boys socks all my life!! *steals your socks*
Well Argonath were guid last night, all the other bands were grand also. Achren, dionysus and i couldnt tell you the rest but hey! My shoes are totally mochet after last night! Its horrible!! I hate dirty shoes
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Just want to wish Chris torn_from_flesh a very Happy Birthday today. I hope you dont get too drunk though, and dont do anything silly. Have a great day and night!!
I cant sleep, i feel so miserable! I just need a hug, a huge one, one that lasts for hours and hours! I wish Glasgow was within walking distance! Could sneak away for a snuggle with my boy
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