
Oct 02, 2004 19:09

Killer instinct tells her to beaware of evil menbut im NOT gonna fall again.... im done.. im trying very hard to be done.. but it is hard.. just the circumstances... but he called... 2 weeks later.... ha.. then he neglected to call me back haha.. o well... im over it? i want to be.... we'll see though ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

Hi Hol schnib October 4 2004, 00:05:24 UTC
Hey Holly, Its gary(cors boyfriend). U cant for fall for anyone yet till u meet my buddy justin. THen u can fall for whoever u like. But if ur anything like cor ull love him cause his families rich just like mine. lmao, just bustin on cors lil quote "cute is good, rich is better." lol ahh well just had to comment. see u on saturday. byes


Re: Hi Hol midge_ October 4 2004, 18:59:45 UTC
i can't help it if i like money ;) ... not that you ever give me any anyway... lol jk. luv uuu!!


Re: Hi Hol hollyster October 4 2004, 22:13:10 UTC
haha ok its a deal!! sat it is!!!!


Re: Hi Hol hollyster October 4 2004, 22:17:12 UTC
by the way... do you know mike marlin and/or lee mason?


// anonymous October 5 2004, 19:05:14 UTC
don't give in if you're doubting it, hol. not to sound too negative -- but sometimes, it isn't worth the risk of pain because the pain is so much worse. the saying "it's better to have love and lost then to never have loved" really isn't true. if you don't get too deep, you can't get hurt.

<33 the fourth letter of the alphabet

ps -- you were the best bear i've ever seen and i will miss you dearly... hell, i do already.


Re: // hollyster October 6 2004, 01:53:57 UTC
thanx DE!!! that actually helped me out alot... made me realize i really do need to move on... no turning back....
but hang in there yourself! idk whats goin on or w/e.... but you know my number *haha well sorta* if ya need anything! <3* hol


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