The usual yearly therapy session.
The big list of everything from 2008:
Adore - Torchwood
Dylan is Here - I'm Not There
Ashes to Ashes - Ashes to Ashes / Life on Mars
His 'n Hers - Ashes to Ashes
Scared of Girls - Doctor Who
!!!!!!! D:
Signed, the Doctor - Doctor Who
Run for Your Life - Ashes to Ashes / Life on Mars
My favorite video this year (of my own):
I think it's a tie between Ashes to Ashes and Signed, the Doctor. Both videos stemmed from some form of visual manipulation and I remember just how obsessed I was with the manips in Ashes. I'm just so glad it all worked out, lol! And with Signed, the Doctor, well that was an epic achievement for me personally as it used external source and massive effects. But not only that, it told a story that I couldn't bring myself to tell in a fic, so I'm extremely proud of that one, yes.
My least favorite:
I don't really have a least favorite this year. Interesting.
Most successful video:
It seems that Ashes to Ashes was the most successful within fandom. Ah the presence of Sam Tyler really adds to the viewing numbers. ;) Runner up was Scared of Girls.
Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
I've been very lucky in that all my vids have managed to find a good audience, so I'm not going to complain. But obviously I understand that the smaller the fandom, the smaller the viewing numbers. So if more obscure vids are made then of course not many folks will click on 'em. I'm speaking of Dylan is Here, which really is a silly tiny thing I was experimenting with at work, lol.
Most fun video to make:
Scared of Girls. :P I loved making all the inuendos come to life and play with my secret crack ships (Master/Jones Sisters! Wat?). My fave being the juxtaposition at 2:42-2:43. Hehehehehehe. It makes me feel all dirty and naughty. :P Signed, the Doctor comes in a close second because it just came out without a snag, and that to me is very fun, lol.
Hardest video to make:
Hmm. Nothing was insanely evil towards me, but Ashes to Ashes was a bit difficult at times. There were moments where I didn't have a clue how to progress the story into the flowy thing I saw in my head. And as I mentioned before, I was super nervous the manips wouldn't work out for some reason.
The things I've learned this year:
I really enjoy thinking outside the box when it comes to song choice and what images that song evokes in my head. I've seen so many vids this year that use music that is odd and different and you'd never think they could make it work, but lookit, they made it work so well! And if you get some insanely gorgeous image sequence in your head but think you don't have the tech to achieve it, think again. There are many ways to make something look more fancy than it is. I like to call it the Dummy process. For instance, I really wanted Signed, the Doctor to look like it was put through some technical mojo in After Effects, but unfortunately I still have to sacrifice an animal or something to the After Effects gods before I fully comprehend that program, so I made it in Photoshop which, you know isn't as fancy pants, but in the end worked just as well. ;)
Things to work on in 2009:
Uh, sacrifice to those AE gods? It probably won't happen, but I'd love to mess around with that stuff. I really want to continue exploring the more experimental element of vidding, and how you can use various elements to tell your story. But this all depends on the fandoms I pick up and what sotries they ask to tell.
In terms of the vid list, I'd love to get to a couple of those vids I've been holding onto for over a year now. There's like three that I menioned in the
2007 meme that I still want to do. I also really want to vid BSG again.
Here's a glimpse at the list...
"A Wolf at the Door" - Doctor Who
"Marble House" - Doctor Who
"Jigsaw Falling into Place" - BSG
"Art Bitch" - BSG
"The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" - BSG
"Life in a Glass House" - Merlin
"Tristan" - Merlin
"Harrowdown Hill" - Mad Men
"Handlebars" - SGA
(Jeez, I really seem to love vidding Radiohead. Shu-up!)
Who knows how many of these will get done, but I'd really love to do 'em all. Also, judging by how I had 12 vids done in 2007 but only a measely 7 in 2008, well that makes me have a sad face. :( I blame the intense heat in the summer for not being productive. Srsly there's no way one can vid while one is melting.
And if you guys wanna ask me something about any of these vids, a particular sequence or whatnot, then go on and give me a holla. ;)