It's been quite a week for the most part.
But im looking forward to the weekend.
Tomorrow i get to see all the hotties i miss....
and then theres the GREASE DANCING SLEEP OVER haha
this is pointless but im bored
-- name: Patricia E Brown
-- birth date: April 6, 1990
-- hair color: blondish brownish sorts
-- height: 5'1" i think ....heh
-- righty or lefty: lefty represent
-- zodiac sign: Aries
-- your heritage: like british and french and stuff
-- the shoes you wore today: my hot pink WANTED brand sneaks
-- your weakness: boys
-- your fears: i have too many of those
-- your perfect pizza: chicken pizza with ranch and hot sauce
-- goal you'd like to achieve: i want to do really good in school this year....and gain more confidence....and not be uptight
-- your most overused phrase on aim: i say lol way too much and dumb phrases like that
-- your thoughts first waking up: htjkyerotrjtoi nnoooo.
-- your best physical feature: hhmmm my hot body...ha...i dont know i should be asking you
-- your bedtime: when i force myself to....usually around 11 on school nightssss
-- your most missed memory: i bet youd never guess....Kansas ha
-- pepsi or coke: coke is wayyyy better
-- mcdonald's or burger king: i like them both but eat mcdonalds way more
-- single or group dates: single
-- adidas or nike: i dont wear either...but my red nike shoes are cool i guess
-- lipton iced tea or nestea: my grandmas would put them both outta businessss
-- chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- cappuccino or coffee: i dont drink coffee
-- smoke: yea
-- curse: yeah who doesnt
-- sing: im choir president bitches
-- shower everyday: yea unless its one of those days....i dont geto ut of my pjs
-- have a crush: well yeeaa i guessss
-- want to go to college: yes
-- like(d) high school: yea it would be cool if i could spend my freshman year...IN A HIGHSCHOOL
-- want to get married: yes i beleive so
-- believe in yourself: eh not so much
-- Get Motion sickness: nope
-- think you're attractive: im the hottest thing around...rriigghttt
-- think you're a health freak: naw
-- get along with your parent(s): on a good day
-- like thunderstorms: yessssss
-- play an instrument: i used to play the flute.....
in the past month ...
-- drank alcohol: yep
-- smoked: mm hmmm
-- done a drug: nope
-- made out: yyyeeaaa
-- had sex: nope
-- gone to the mall: uhm.....yea actually
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: no i wish i had though
-- eaten sushi: yuck
-- been on stage: nope
-- been dumped: nu uh
-- gone skating: ha im not a skater
-- made homemade cookies: i want to make some
-- gone skinny dipping: nay
-- dyed your hair: i need to
-- stolen anything: i dont think soooooooo
ever ...
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: oh gosh yah..
-- if so, was it mixed company: mmhmm
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: we all know that
-- been caught "doing something": uhm what?
-- been called a tease: hahah i hope not
-- gotten beat up: naw i beat bitches up!....riigghttt
-- changed who you were to fit in: no siree
-- age you hope to be married: 24 at the earliest
-- how many children: i dont knnoowww and at 14 i dont care
-- describe your dream wedding: just being truly in love and happy
-- how do you want to die: knowing i did what i was supposed to and with the people i love around me
-- where you want to go to college: something for photography....and i always wanted to take classes at Oxford that would be a dream
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: i wanna take pictures and write so we'll just see what career that ends up getting me
-- what country would you most like to visit: i wanna go to my grandmas childhood home in England
in a guy/girl ...
-- best eye color? hhmm idont have a preference
-- best hair color? i dont care
-- short or long hair: it depends on the person but long is cute
-- height: asl long as they are taller than me which is like every guy unless they are a midget or havent hit puberty
-- best weight: i like them skinny boys ;)
-- best articles of clothing: clothes maybe?
-- best first date location: nothing all fancy thats too awkward
-- best first kiss location: whenever the moments right
-- # of drugs taken illegally: heh a few
-- # of people I could trust with my life: only a few
-- # of cds that I own: like a ka jillion
-- # of piercings: 5
-- # of tattoos: like 434443 duh
-- # of scars on my body: uhm...idk?...some...
-- # of things in my past that I regret: i wish there werent so many