Frequently Asked Questions
What is a bigbang?
There are many different types of bigbangs, all varying slightly, but generally a bigbang challenge is where over a period of 3-4 months (some are longer) authors write a complete (10,000, 15,000, or 20,000 words) story and artists then claim that story to make customized art for.
How do I sign up?
When sign-ups start, there will be one post for authors and one for artists where you can sign up for the challenge.
~Writing Requirements~
What type of requirements are there for a fic?
Your fic must be at least 15,000 words long and, preferably, beta-read before the posting date. It must focus on or revolve around the Sherlock Holmes world.
I've already been writing a Holmes story -- can I use that?
You are allowed to use a WIP in this bigbang, but half the words in the fic must be entirely new and unseen for it to qualify. Furthermore, you are not allowed to post updates to the story (since its now for the challenge).
What genres/fandoms are allowed?
All genres are allowed and any incarnation of the Sherlock Holmes world, crossovers are allowed as long as the focus is on the Holmes fandom.
I've got two ideas in my head ... can I write both?
Yes you can, as long as you think you'll be able to finish both stories by the deadline (if you submit two stories we will do our best to make sure there is a good amount of time in between the posting of each fic).
Can I write with someone else?
Yes, you may co-author your bigbang if you want to. The word minimum however for co authored works is 20,000.
~Artist Requirements~
How do I know what I'm making art for?
When the writers turn in their rough drafts, we'll make a claims post. In this post we'll include the story summary, the pairing as well as any warnings the author gives. You can choose which fic you'd like to create art for, and then that person's fic will get crossed off the list.
What are the requirements for art?
You can make whatever kind of art you feel like, in whichever medium. Drawing, painting, digital, manips, anything you can think of. We just ask that you put some time into it, as our authors have.
You are also required to make a minimum of one piece of custom art for the story you claim.
How do I make a claim?
Claims are done on a first come, first serve basis. We will be putting up a f-locked post and the artists will reply to it with the story they claim to do art for (so make sure you are a member of the community)
What happens if the number of authors doesn't match up with the number of artists?
We will do several rounds of claiming so that EVERY fic has an artist. In the event that fics outnumber artists we will allow artists to make a second claim. If it's the other way, we may open up the fics so that more than one artist is assigned to the same fic. Either way, everyone who wants to participate will get to participate.
What kind of timeline will I be under?
Author sign ups open - September 7th, 2012
Author sign ups close - November 1st, 2012
Checkpoint #1 - September 28th, 2012
Checkpoint #2 - October 26th, 2012
Checkpoint #3 - November 16th, 2012
Rough drafts due - December 5th, 2012
Artist claims up - December 8th, 2012
Artist checkpoint (MANDATORY) - January 4th - 11th, 2013
Final fic and art due - January 20th, 2013
Posting schedule up - January 25th, 2013
Posting starts - February 1st, 2013
What's a checkpoint?
These aren't mandatory. They're something to give you a feel on where a typical author should be at in their writing process. They're used for encouragement and motivation only.
Will artists get checkpoints?
Yes, the artist checkpoint will be to make sure they are working on the art and are in contact with their author. This checkpoint is mandatory for artists and will be open for a week, if artists do not comment or respond to any of the reminder emails to do so they will be removed from the story they claimed and a pinch hitter will be assigned. This checkpoint is primarily for us to know if we need to assign a pinch hitter or not.
What should my rough draft look like?
It needs to be at least 10,000 words, or 80% of your fic. You do not need to have your fic finished by this time however, you may still work on it and get it beta-read until your final fic and art is due. We just need to be able to reasonably verify that you are going to be able to post on your assigned date.
Can I have an extension?
We will be granting extensions on a case-by-case basis for rough drafts as long as your final fic or art is in by the due date. We would hope, however, that you use the checkpoints and all your available writing time to it's fullest.
If you think at anytime you need an extension (whether fic or art) contact a mod right away so we can begin working it out with you.
What if I need to drop out?
If you need to drop out please let a moderator know, either by email or PM. There is absolutely no penalty for dropping out and we would love for you to rejoin the challenge next year.
~Community Requirements~
Can I join this comm?
Absolutely! Feel free to join and watch the comm even if you aren't signing up, if you ARE signing up you need to join the comm ASAP. Some important reminders and post will be members locked.
~Posting Requirements~
What types of requirements are there for me to post my fic?
You must include a header with all regular information on it. This includes warnings. Not all of our readers like the same thing, so you are required to warn them. Besides that, you must include the fandom you're writing in, as we have multiple here at this bigbang.
Here is an example header, with the things you could include.
Title:Author:Artist:Fandoms:Rating:Word Count:Characters/Pairings:Warnings:Summary: Link to fic masterpost:Link to art masterpost: Can I post it to my journal a few days early to show my friends?
Yes you can post your fic in advance but not to show your friends, the first time you show your fic for this bigbang must be on your reveal day. If you post in advance please lock the post for your eyes only.
My fic exceeds the character limit for a single post, what do I do?
Most people choose to break their fic up into 2 or more parts (whatever is best for you) and then create a master post that links to all the parts, the art, and the mix from one place. You may also post your fic to Archive of Our Own or Dreamwidth if you prefer that.
Where can I upload my graphics?
Imgur and
Tinypic are recommended for images files, along with
Photobucket and the Liverjournal scrapbook. Each has their pros and cons, feel free to pick the one that works best for you and that is accessible for watchers.
How will I get my graphics to my author?
We will provide you with contact information once you are committed to an author. From their you can contact them to find out more about their interests and receive a draft and updated drafts of the story, as well as to send links of the art.
We would like to encourage you to be in contact with them and to share what you make for them.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask them below or contact a mod. The moderators for this challenge are
chosenfire28 and