[20:42] sunnythecherrim: okay so pokemon are naturally competitive
[20:42] sunnythecherrim: this is canon
[20:42] sunnythecherrim: the reason is that they need to be competitive to grow and evolve
[20:43] Cam: oh god I only have two months worth left to read
[20:43] sunnythecherrim: and gen iv was all about how evolution is the pursuit of perfection
[20:43] Cam: but go ahead
[20:43] sunnythecherrim: and pokemon are driven primarily by the need to reach their full potential
[20:43] sunnythecherrim: and that is why they compete
[20:44] sunnythecherrim: the battles of the various legendary pokemon are a model for every battle
[20:44] sunnythecherrim: even though legendaries don't evolve
[20:44] sunnythecherrim: they achieve the advancement of the world through battle, instead of themselves
[20:44] sunnythecherrim: g&k are my prime example
[20:45] sunnythecherrim: their battle created a volcanic island
[20:45] sunnythecherrim: hoenn
[20:45] Cam: you know if you wanted to build on that you could bring up the point that
[20:45] sunnythecherrim: their inevitable rematch will destroy hoenn and create something new
[20:45] Cam: since humans evolved from animals poke!humans probably evolved from pokemon
[20:45] sunnythecherrim: evolution
[20:45] Cam: so if that root competitive evolution nature still persisted
[20:45] sunnythecherrim: yup
[20:45] sunnythecherrim: warrior culture
[20:45] Cam: it would explain why their soceity is geared on battling
[20:45] sunnythecherrim: exactly
[20:46] sunnythecherrim: the concept of two competing forces, locked in an eternal struggle that will never be won or lost but will never be ceded by either party
[20:46] sunnythecherrim: is integral to life in Pokevers
[20:46] sunnythecherrim: e
[20:46] Cam: ^
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: dialga and palkia
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: their yin and yang opened up the world
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: it will collapse it and form a new one
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: evolution
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: in the pokemon sense, the destruction of an old form
[20:47] Cam: ...you're really delving into this
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: to bring forth a more refined one
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: cam
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: I have been holding this in my head for
[20:47] sunnythecherrim: years
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: every generation just reinforces it
[20:48] Cam: pretty much
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: groudon and kyogre
[20:48] Cam: I mean look at freaking reshiram and zekrom
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: in a more concrete sense
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: wait hold on
[20:48] Cam: they fucking SPLIT
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: I'm getting to them
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: they're significant
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: g&k
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: are the same concept on a less cosmic scale
[20:48] sunnythecherrim: a more mortal scale
[20:49] sunnythecherrim: destruction and creation
[20:49] sunnythecherrim: their attributes are irrelevant
[20:49] sunnythecherrim: land and sea
[20:49] sunnythecherrim: what matters
[20:49] sunnythecherrim: is the conflict
[20:49] sunnythecherrim: but they had something that dp didn't
[20:50] sunnythecherrim: a neutral party
[20:50] sunnythecherrim: opening up the cycle of creation and destruction
[20:51] sunnythecherrim: that triad is significant on a personal level to the hoennians
[20:51] sunnythecherrim: I
[20:51] sunnythecherrim: let me prose for a moment
[20:51] sunnythecherrim: a world of conflict is constantly evolving, but it leaves no room for the cycle to descend
[20:52] sunnythecherrim: hoenn was born from violence, and it was always subject to violence
[20:52] sunnythecherrim: when the water rose and the magma flowed, the people of hoenn looked to the sky for salvation
[20:52] sunnythecherrim: for another thousand years
[20:53] sunnythecherrim: and the cycle continued down through the mundane from the macrocosmic
[20:53] sunnythecherrim: wow I feel like a massive tool now
[20:53] sunnythecherrim: LET'S GET TO UNOVA SHALL WE
[20:53] Cam: start rambling
[20:54] Cam: about the beautiful mind = blown that is unova
[20:54] Cam: while I brb for food real quick
[20:54] sunnythecherrim: okay so rse is the descension of the cycle from gods to mortals
[20:54] sunnythecherrim: unova gave us the opposite
[20:54] sunnythecherrim: that the path can be reversed
[20:55] sunnythecherrim: something unified and stagnant can bring itself into a state of conflict
[20:55] sunnythecherrim: to spur change
[20:55] sunnythecherrim: evolution, again
[20:55] sunnythecherrim: remember that the twin kings brought a time of peace to unova
[20:55] sunnythecherrim: but they also brought a time of stagnation, of absolute rule and no progress
[20:56] sunnythecherrim: their conflict was inevitable
[20:56] sunnythecherrim: to begin the evolution cycle
[20:56] sunnythecherrim: kyurem split, unova burned
[20:56] sunnythecherrim: and the next millennium brought massive progress to the region
[20:57] sunnythecherrim: as you can see in bw
[20:57] sunnythecherrim: and the entire point of the game is how colliding ideals moves the world forward
[20:58] sunnythecherrim: and how N's ambition to impose a single, unopposed ideology would bring unova to a halt
[20:58] sunnythecherrim: even N recognized the significance of conflict
[20:58] sunnythecherrim: he sought out the player character
[20:58] sunnythecherrim: urged them to find the lost dragon
[20:59] sunnythecherrim: waited for them to face him in his grand hall
[20:59] sunnythecherrim: was willing to cede power over the outcome of that battle
[20:59] sunnythecherrim: that is how it has been, that is how it will be
[21:00] sunnythecherrim: once upon a time, one dragon emerged the victor, and the defeated hero went into exile while his brother's bloodline became nobility
[21:00] sunnythecherrim: the balance of power will shift
[21:00] sunnythecherrim: and shift again
[21:00] sunnythecherrim: one day a Harmonia will return to take power
[21:01] sunnythecherrim: and one day his descendant will go wandering like N did
[21:01] sunnythecherrim: conflict, cycles, evolutino
[21:01] sunnythecherrim: on
[21:01] sunnythecherrim: fuck
[21:01] sunnythecherrim: oh my god that could have been the most beautifully dramatic
[21:01] sunnythecherrim: and then I ruined it with a typo
[21:01] sunnythecherrim: /sob