Out Of Character Information!
NAME;; Dubs
AGE;; 21
the_amazin_dubsAIM/YIM/MSN;; aim/the amazing dubs
EMAIL;; queen_of_foxxes@yahoo.com
In Character Information!
holy_pickle CHARACTER AGE;; 37-ish in human years (appears to look about 5)
FANDOM;; Dragon Ball Z
TIMELINE;; Frieza Saga- Episode 84- aptly titled Dende’s demise
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE;; Dende is very small and round like most children usually appear to be. Being a Namekian he is green and bald with large pointed ears and antennae protruding from his forehead. His robes also conceal the distinctive pink patches of flesh which almost seem to resemble exposed muscles.
and in case my words didn’t paint a vivid enough picture ABILITIES;; Dende is immune to any sort of gravity changes. He is also immune to some extreme climate temperatures due to the thick skin of Namekians. He has an improved sense of hearing as well as the ability to regenerate lost limbs and organs, save for his brain. He also knows how to use magic materialize to create objects like clothes and even Dragon Balls. He can also use telepathy to move objects in proportion with his strength, as well as communicating with others. In addition he knows some basic Ki (life energy) manipulation and detection. Lastly he has the unique ability to heal injuries of any sort.
STRENGTH/WEAKNESS;; Dende has a heart of gold and is very trusting… to a fault. He will heal those in need out of the sheer goodness of his heart regardless of whether or not they could possibly hurt him once he’s done. He will do his best to please those around him, their happiness is his happiness. He is usually quite fearful and cowardly but in the most dire of situations he will pull through and help those in need regardless of his own feelings. Physically he is weak, his offensive attacks couldn’t bother a cat, let alone fend of an attacker. However he is quite clever when he needs to be, utilizing his strengths to his fullest potential.
PERSONALITY;; Dende is a small Namekian child, from a planet of the same name. This planet holds some interesting peculiarities that helped to shape Dende as he is today, especially since he has yet to ever leave his planet. Dende’s planet has three suns, so it is never night. Namek also seems to be void of any furry creatures on his planet, only birds, fish, and reptiles inhabit it, and even so the living creatures on his planet are sparse. These will probably lead Dende to be rather fearful of overwhelming darkness, not quite sure what to make of fur, and rather unsettled in large crowds.
As far as Dende’s people go, Dende seems to be a little above average. He is very peaceful like most of his race, but his kindness seems to take him a step above the rest. For example, despite his great fear of the tyrant, Frieza, Dende refuses to leave the battlefield, staying to help heal his friends, which ultimately ends up costing him his life. This leads me to Dende’s age and maturity. By human standards he seems to be quite the contradiction, he can be naïve and fearful like a child, but also speaks in a very wise manner, as though he were a wizened old man.
Dende seems to know much more than someone his age should know regarding the history of his people, since he speaks of it as if he was there for it (which he very clearly was not). It is unclear as to how Nameks are educated but it can probably be assumed that they are mentored by either Guru or their village elder, most likely the latter due to Guru’s feeble physical condition. Dende however was lucky enough to get to spend some time alone with Guru, and perhaps this is in part where some of his sagely knowledge stems from.
This wisdom leads him to have the ability to come up with a level-headed plan even in the heat of battle. Although he does this best in groups since he is not skilled in the art of combat. When he is alone he becomes more panicked and his ‘battle tactics’ seem to consist solely of fleeing…rather clumsily. Overall, Dende is just a sweet little green kid, with a heart of gold and a trusting, yet fearful personality.
HISTORY;; Dende’s history is very closely tied in with the history of Namek. Approximately 500 or so years ago on Namek there was a great storm that wiped out most of the inhabitants. The eldest Namek known as Guru lead his people through the tragedy and began to repopulate the Namekian race. And since as far as the cannon mentions he is the only one spawning children, there aren’t many Nameks about. Dende refers to himself as his 108th child, so there probably aren’t many more Namekians than that. Needless to say Guru is held in high regard by all Namekians. He is also the creator and guardian of the Namekian dragon balls, making him all the more important. That is until he dies and the title of Guardian and Elder is past down to Moori, the elder of Dende’s Village.
Now this title cannot be passed down to just anyone. This is where the Namekian castes come into play. There are two definite castes and one theoretical caste. First there is the combat caste of warrior Namekians. They are proficient at combat but lack the ability to use some of the more mystical talents of the other clans. Piccolo and nails are prime examples of the combat caste. The next caste is the dragon caste, and as the name states this is the caste able to create and manipulate dragon balls. Kami and Moori are good examples of this casteNow the last caste, the healing caste, is pretty inconsistent considering that this caste currently seems to consist of one member: Dende. (What? Inconsistencies in my DBZ?! Slander and lies!) Supposedly a caste that heals, it is also possible that this is just a branch off of the dragon caste, or even just a unique ability to Dende, since Dende does become Guardian of the earth’s dragon balls later on in the series. This would infer that he is a member of the dragon caste, as opposed to the healing caste, however since he heals it would be assumed that he is of the healing caste.
Now Dende’s history starts off a little dull, he was raised in Moori’s village on Namek for the first part of his life, along with his closest sibling Cargo. From all of the shots of his village it is assumed that he and Cargo are the youngest in the village since they appear to be the only children. They also seem to be very attached to Moori, perhaps seeing him as a father/grandfather figure as they cling tightly to him during Frieza’s attack on the Village. It can also be assumed that he views them as his children as he makes a great effort to try and see that they escape, and thanks to Krillin and Gohan, Dende at least does.
After his rescue Dende’s life becomes a great deal more exciting. He encounters his first humans: Bulma, Krillin, and (kind of) Gohan. At first he is quite fearful, especially of the shrieking harpy known as Bulma (but then again who wouldn’t be?). It only takes a short time before he trusts his rescuers enough to take them to the Guru to help aide their mission, after which he ends up staying in the company of Guru. When Krillin and Gohan finally acquire all of the dragon balls Guru sends Dende to tell them the password to unlock Porunga, but not before unlocking his hidden power, which ends up being Dende’s power to heal.
Alternate Universe Information!
Dende arrived at the Towards Star Inn at the community
subether very alone and very scared. Stranded as one of the ‘marooned’, Dende and the others found frozen in space were confined to the very accommodating Towards Star Inn. Of course Dende had a very rural upbringing, and was unfamiliar with such advanced technology, so naturally his first reaction was to hide. He did a poor job of it, as another of the Marooned, Gokudera Hayato, quickly pointed him out as an alien and expected this to be his fault. After a brief questioning, Gokudera quickly discovered that Dende was just as lost as he was, and despite being an annoying little kid, he was also an alien, so that let the two to start talking. Dende instantly viewed Gokudera as a friend, was sure to greet him whenever he saw him. He even went as far as naming a fish he stole borrowed after Gokudera.
Not long after his arrival Dende was attacked by another of the Marooned, an acquaintance of Gokudera’s, Belphegor. Luckily due to Gokudera’s timely intervention, Dende got away with just a few scrapes and cuts. However, this attack seemed to give Dende a ‘lost duckling complex’ with Gokudera. Shortly after the attack Dende became plagued with nightmares of the attack, and immediately went to Gokudera’s room. Of course the agreement was that it would only be for one night… well obviously that didn’t happen. Dende spent the following nights in Gokudera’s room religiously, even going as far as to bring his fish to stay there as well.
Everything seemed well and good until the marooned were brought to the ‘clean room’. At first things didn’t seem all that bad, well at least to Dende. He could materialize whatever he needed to occupy himself, and even met a few new friends. This peace didn’t last long as Gokudera began to get more and more ill. Dende did his best to heal him on a few occasions, but he only seemed to get even sicker afterwards. Under the guidance of another close friend of his, Samus, Dende materialized every single plant, weed, and shrub he had encountered ever, along with a few herbal medicines from his planet. Eventually the trio found something that eases Gokudera’s pain. For a few weeks it seems to work, however when the marooned finally received a message from the faculty from the Inn. Dende wasn’t paying attention to it though. Gokudera had suddenly gone into a fit, it seemed the ‘illness’ was at it’s peak. Dende did his best to comfort and help his friend, but it almost became too much for the Namekian child when he noticed something moving in his friend’s stomach. When Gokudera ripped the parasite from his stomach he was inches from death when Dende healed him, but because of the sheer stress of the situation he passed out.
When Dende awoke Gokudera was fine, leaving Dende absolutely ecstatic. Once more getting help from Samus, Gokudera and Dende searched through the ship they were stranded on, eventually finding the escape pods. Samus opted to remain behind to try and help others, sending Gokudera and Dende off together. And then the community died.
Despite being constantly irritable and reluctant about taking Dende in, Gokudera has been a pretty good surrogate parent. He’s kept Dende safe, been patient explaining things to him, and even comforts him when he gets scared. Of course he makes sure that Dende knows that he doesn’t want to do any of it. Gokudera is a bit on the lax side when scolding Dende for things such as language and often sets a bad example by openly bullying others, which has affected Dende. While not very prominent, Dende is just a smidge more mouthy, especially when Gokudera is around (because if anyone tries to beat him up for it Gokudera will surely protect him). Other than that, Dende personality has remained unchanged from his cannon self.
[ the sound of buttons being mashed repeatedly can be heard before a scared and shaky little voice on the verge of tears sounds over the device ]
H-hello? Is anyone there? U-um, my name is Dende and it is n-nice to meet you. I-I seem to be lost, if some one could please t-tell me wh-where my friend is it would be greatly appreciated! His name is Gokudera, and he’s kind of grumpy, but he’s really nice once you get to know him! he’ll know what to do…
[he lets out a little whimper]
He got sick recently too! S-so if you see him could you make sure he’s okay? A-and tell him I-I’m looking for h-him t-t-to!
Dende was resting peacefully under his window. He knew he should probably go and help Elder Moori with the daily chores, but he so liked to just sit under his window and listen to the chirping of the birds and the chatter of the villagers outside. Lately the adults had been whispering about some strange foreigners attacking the neighboring villages. Whoever it was would probably leave soon though, Namek really didn’t have much to offer outsiders. Surely the one who was attacking would soon learn this and return to where they came from. No sooner had his thoughts caused him to nod off to sleep, could he feel himself being rudely shaken awake.
“Dende! Dende!” it was his closest sibling Cargo. Dende groggily opened his eyes and let out a nice long yawn.
“Cargo? Is something wrong?”
His brother shook his head and started pulling Dende up, “I found something! And it’s really neat! C’mon I gotta show you!”
Dende rubbed his eyes and yawned once more before being pulled out of the house. Cargo lead Dende far from the safety of the village to a field they would used to play in.
“C-Cargo! We shouldn’t be so far from the village! What if those foreigners find us? And if Elder Moori finds out we’ll get in trouble!”
Dende’s brother merely chuckled in response and answered, “It’s alright Dende! It’s right up ahead! It’ll just be quick and then we can go back to the village before anyone notices we’re gone!”
True to his word, Cargo soon took Dende to a large crater in the middle of the field. As the pair crept up to the edge of the crater a round pod-like craft could be seen sitting idly in the center. Dende gasped in disbelief, the rumors were true!
“Cargo! We need to go back and tell Elder Moori about this at once! C-Cargo what are you doing!?”
Dende watched in shock as his brother hovered down to the craft and began jumping on the seat.
“Cargo! Stop that! Someone might s-”
“Oh stop worrying so much Dende! It’s been abandoned! Come on! Try it! It’s fun!”
After a few minutes of coaxing Dende followed his brother down to the little spacecraft, at first he refused to touch it… but then those buttons made the funniest little beeping noises, and jumping on that seat sure did look fun. Needless to say it didn’t take long for Dende to join in his brothers antics. All was going well as Dende was taking his turn jumping on the seat while his brother was pressing some of the buttons outside. The sounds of the two giggling children echoed throughout the field…that is until his brother unknowingly pushed the button to close the pod. The sudden motion from the closing pod caused Dende to topple over falling backwards onto the seat, when he recovered from the shock he could see his brother banging on the other side of the glass, trying to get him out. Oh, the thoughts running through both boy’s heads. What if the pods owner came back? What if Cargo had to go fetch Elder Moori to get him out? How much trouble would he be in? What if the Elder Moori couldn’t open the pod? What if it launched into space?! Dende quickly crawled over to the control panel and begins to smash his hands on the dashboard hoping he’ll hit something right, while his brother did the same on the outside. Lucky for the pair the button mashing was a success and the pod opened, Dende bursted outside and looked to this brother.
“C-Cargo… I don’t want to play this anymore. Let’s go home!”
Cargo nodded shakily and took his brothers hand and the two sped away from the pod and back to the safety of the village.
Meanwhile standing on a ledge overlooking the field a reptilian humanoid creature pushed a button on the scouter over his left eye.
“Tell Lord Frieza I have located the next village….”