second sword | action

Jul 30, 2010 21:01

[Mai, ever quick to notice things, has realized that there seems to be a fair few more people in Mac Anu then there used to be. However, a new arrival can be either friend or foe, and she doesn't want to take any chances. So she's taken the time to just hang out and keep tabs on things, watching for anyone behaving suspiciously--which is just a bit ironic, given that Mai isn't the most 'normal' person herself.

You'll find Mai in central Mac Anu, watching most everyone with a wary eye... Well, it's a bit hard to tell that she's 'on guard', given how little expression her face shows, but she is. Perhaps approach her...?]

(ooc: ohhhh my gosh I am so sorry my tags are so late/slow ;A; forgive me!)

(okami) amaterasu, !action post, (kanon) mai kawasumi, (persona 3) arisato minako, (elite beat agents) agent spin, (kingdom hearts) sora, (persona 3) arisato minato

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