This is me whining. You can skip that bit, if you like.
Mostly, I just felt really sick and dizzy all day, a little bit like I was going to pass out. Plus, my back pain was super-bad today.
Meaghan gave me a backrub in the green room, while I wasn't wearing a shirt, because I had left it dowstairs....
My cold seems to be getting worse, no matter what I do. (Though, I haven't tried getting proper amounts of sleep
Despite all that though, I managed to actually have a fairly good day?
Stayed at Meaghan's grandma's last night, because of going to school early. So, I got up, and got ready in FIFTEEN minutes, shower and all....because we wanted to catch the earlier bus, so that there was time to stop at Starbucks at Park Royal, and buy a cup of coffee the size of my forearm. (Meaghan was ready super-fast too. It was impressive, because we're normally the slowest people ever.)
Got to school, and then paper mache'd some giant cardboard tubes, so that they would look sort-of like trees. (this is only stage one. there has to be a painting stage some time in the future. they probably will end up looking like trees...) and then took a giant break, because i felt like the death. and we ate. and talked to aaron up in the greenroom.
I didn't go to english this afternoon, because it would have ruined my day. Plus, I had to finish my painting project, because I managed to miss the same class TWICE last week. (once, because I slept in, and the second time, because some idiot decided that they wanted to jump off of the bridge, and fuck over everyone's morning commute.) However, the second time was actually a little fun, because we had a giant pizza craving, so we walked all the way up Granville to Davie, before we found a pizza place that was open at 11am. So I finished that, AND, it looks pretty. (it's fake bricks, and a faux woodfinish, so....really it's kind of ugly.)
Then, Megs and I caught the bus up to SFU to go and visit Lucas, where we sat on all the tall parts of his kitchen/living room, ate macaroni, and watched The Emperor's New Groove. Also, two of the guys he lives with came home while we were downstairs and kind of looked at me and Megs weirdly for sitting on the tall parts. I wore my fuzzy lime green pants though, so maybe that accounted for part of the weird looks....
I listened to the same mix tape OVER and OVER today, because I've only had the chance to make one, since I learned how to use technology in reverse. I'm kind of bored with it now, and there's a few songs that I'm just sitting around waiting for them to end. (however, there's like....five Limblifter songs on it, and I never seem to get bored of that.)
It's also been brought to my attention that my mix cd in the last entry is broken. Which sucks. So, if you really want it, you can feel free to harass me on msn for it. (colourcoatedcandy[AT]hotmail[DOT]com)
Anyway, I should be sleeping now, because...well...I'm kind of tired.