Accidents never just happen arbitrarily, you know? It's either something you did, or something that the other guy did, or a combination of both that made it happen.
...I know it. I was lying when I said it was an accident.
[figuring it would just be easier to show her, he turns the video back on and points it towards him. bandages can be seen wrapped tightly around his neck and arm up to his elbows and sighs]
... Which explains the placement of the bandages, huh... Having something moving around inside of you just can't be all that pleasant, so... I think I can see why you're trying to claw your throat out.
[She's pensive.]
... It's really problematic, how they seem to be mainly located in the major arterial areas.
No kidding. It's called Hinamizawa Syndrome since everyone in Hinamizawa has been noted to have it.
The parasite can also be found in the brain. From what I was told, they mess with a persons senses making people fall to easily to delusions and intense paranoia of everyone around them...
Huh. Wouldn't have pegged you to be the academic type.
[If you could see her right now, there'd be suspicion flying all over it.]
... I though you lost your senses. How the hell are you feeling pain?
Right after you died, you picked a fight? Well, that's one way of reassuring your own existence.
So what exactly did you guys do?
[figuring it would just be easier to show her, he turns the video back on and points it towards him. bandages can be seen wrapped tightly around his neck and arm up to his elbows and sighs]
It was self inflicted and an argument.
[Her eyes widen. The placement of the bandages, they...]
What the hell- What's with all that- you were trying to kill yourself? Is that it? Of all the stupid- Why the hell-
[figures he might as well explain what happened and hope for the best. she might be able to help for all he knew]
You might find this weird, but I have a parasitic virus, putting it simply. Don't worry though, it's not contagious.
A non-contagious parasitic virus that... makes you look like you're trying to kill yourself. Yeah, I find it weird all right.
... How long have you had this thing?
[his other arm goes to grab the injured one to scratch a little before pushing it away]
Since they are active under those situations...I can feel them moving around in my neck and arms.
[She's pensive.]
... It's really problematic, how they seem to be mainly located in the major arterial areas.
The parasite can also be found in the brain. From what I was told, they mess with a persons senses making people fall to easily to delusions and intense paranoia of everyone around them...
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