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First, it was so cliche it was about as far from irony as one could get. Second, the feeling faded almost instantly as Dave ran around the pool back to the diving board just like a child. And third, it was just no. Just...no. He tried to convince himself it would go away like it had last time- and then was completely appalled that he remembered the last time, long ago as it was.
"Hey Bro, watch this!" Dave shouted, and he ran to do some trick off the diving board and messed it up and even John called him derpy, and Bro laughed and shook his head, and everything was normal.
"Get whatever you want." he said, and Dave nodded with approval, all of a sudden too mature for goofy smiles and excitement. Bro stared at his back as he disappeared into the stall and when he was out of sight it was like a spell had been broken, and Bro was certain he was the most evil thing that had ever walked the earth.
He was much colder to Dave after that as he tried to keep his distance.
...proceed >8)
this was good
please let there be more please this is great <3
but I'm totes sticking around for more~!!
"Yeah, I'll..." Bro began.
"You'll be back in the morning after you've fucked some bimbo, I know, I know."
Dave's words caused razor-sharp pain, and Bro choked on a lump in his throat. He hung his coat back up.
"You know what? I don't feel like going out tonight." he said. "It's 80's night at the club and the music they pick is the worst shit."
Dave's only response was a shrug as he kept his face pointed towards the TV. But Bro knew it mattered to him. How much longer would it matter to him? How much longer would Dave actually want him around, before he started going out to clubs and bars himself, getting ( ... )
When the movie was over Dave flicked to some random channel and left it on some exercise machine infomercial, which he stared at intently.
"Out with it." Bro prompted. He could still read Dave like a book, even if everyone else now couldn't.
Dave sighed heavily.
"It just gets boring around here without you, that's all."
I've missed you, which was what Dave meant, and also what Bro heard, in the language of never-saying-what-you-mean that they both spoke.
"Yeah, well, sometimes you're slightly less lame than the rest of the world and I need a breather from complete and total infinitely deep lameness."
Hanging out with you was awesome tonight. A pause for a moment, and Bro felt himself actually sighing with a little relief. Everything felt right. Everything felt normal ( ... )
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